chapter.7 : under the Light of Memories

After dropping off the twins, Oliver walked through the streets, his thoughts following him like a heavy shadow. The news he had received from Joseph felt like a stone cast into the waters of his plans, creating ripples that could not be ignored. He had thought that the matter of the twins had finally been resolved, but the latest revelation had upended everything. Sitting in the carriage taking him home, his mind was occupied with assessing the impact of these developments on his plans, searching for new options to adjust his next steps.

When he arrived at his apartment, he opened the door quietly and entered, removing his shoes slowly, as if every movement reflected his deep contemplation. His apartment, considered luxurious compared to most, exuded a sense of both simplicity and opulence. The walls were made of dark gray stone adorned with ancient magical carvings, adding an air of mystery and elegance. Large windows allowed moonlight to flood the dark wooden floors with a soft glow, creating a contrast with the comfortable furniture.

The furniture was simple yet elegant; a luxurious brown leather sofa adorned the living room, alongside a polished wooden round dining table surrounded by black velvet-upholstered chairs. In the corners of the room, books and old manuscripts piled up on elegant wooden shelves, alongside magical artifacts, such as candles that lit themselves at sunset. There was also a mana-powered fireplace in the center of the room, giving the space a warm and cozy feel.

Oliver headed to the kitchen, which reflected a blend of magical technology and practical functionality. The large mana oven at the center was used not only for cooking but also to control temperatures with magical precision. The marble countertop was clean and shiny, neatly organized with carefully selected cooking tools. He opened a small cupboard to take out two crystal glasses but suddenly stopped. He walked over to the table, sat quietly, then pulled out a bottle of vintage red wine from his spatial ring. With a grim expression and an annoyed tone, he said:

"So, do you have something to say, Joseph?"

From the shadows, Joseph emerged, his steps silent. The absurdity of the darkness suited him as if he were part of it. He approached and pulled out a chair to sit across from Oliver, with an apologetic smile on his face:

"Sorry, I found out after our last meeting and couldn't inform you in time."

Oliver remained silent, his eyes studying Joseph's features, searching for answers that words hadn't provided. Then he sighed deeply, as if shedding some of the weight he'd been carrying all day, and spoke in a calm yet steady voice:

"Well, it doesn't matter now."

He paused briefly before continuing in a more serious tone, carrying the weight of anticipation:

"So, tell me everything."

Joseph took a deep breath, as though the words he was about to say were heavy on his chest, and then he began to explain everything: his meeting with Samantha, how she had told him the news, and what had happened since then. The words flowed from him quickly, as if they were trying to catch up with the time that had passed without being spoken.

When he finished, silence filled the room, but it was a heavy silence, laden with unspoken emotions. Oliver, who seemed to be swimming in distant memories, broke the silence with a soft, sorrowful voice:

"Is it... Diana?"

Joseph paused for a moment, as if the answer pained him, then nodded slowly and sadly.

Oliver closed his eyes and sighed with deep emotion, as if a memory from long ago was returning to him:

"That fool... She was always reckless and foolish."

Joseph smiled a sad smile, his eyes carrying the warmth of the memories they shared:

"That woman... She always did whatever she wanted, without regard for anything else."

Oliver, lost for a moment in his memories, looked at Joseph, then poured wine into both glasses and raised his:

"May she rest in peace... I hope she's in a better place now."

Joseph raised his glass too, his eyes glistening with emotions he was trying hard to suppress:

"May she rest in peace... Finally, she's found her eternal rest."

They sipped the wine slowly, toasting to Diana, who had once been their colleague. As they reflected on her life and the impact she had on them, Oliver quietly asked, as if the question had been eating at him:

"What about Samantha? She must be the most affected by this."

Joseph shook his head in confusion and said:

"I really don't know... You know her, she's great at hiding her feelings. But no doubt, she's grieving as well. Diana was more than just a colleague to her."

After a brief moment of silence between them, Joseph seemed to remember something important. He straightened up and said in a serious tone:

"Oh, I almost forgot! There's going to be a meeting soon with the higher seats. I heard they're gathering to discuss recent developments."

Oliver looked at him thoughtfully, then returned to thinking for a moment before replying coldly:

"That's not surprising. In fact, it would be strange if those old men didn't move and take some action."

Another few moments of silence passed before Joseph raised his eyes to Oliver and asked:

"And what about your plans? What will you do now?"

Oliver sighed slowly, then responded in a calm voice:

"Things have changed a bit, but it hasn't ruined everything. I'll continue as planned... The recent news has made things more complicated, but that won't change the goal."

He paused for a moment before continuing with a firmer tone:

"The artifact... I have to get it."

Joseph raised an eyebrow in question and asked seriously:

"But how can you be sure it's at the academy? We're talking about something of immense importance, and there's no room for mistakes."

Oliver smiled a mysterious smile, his eyes gleaming with confidence:

"It's a hunch, Joseph... Just a hunch."

After Oliver finished speaking, Joseph smiled faintly at him and said:

"If things are as you say, take this."

Joseph pulled a simple, small ring from his spatial ring, adorned with the emblem of a feather surrounded by a bundle of leaves, and tossed it toward Oliver.

"You are now the illegitimate son of the Noiril family, and your name will be Wilson." He then gestured to the papers beside him and said, "Everything you need to know is in there."

Oliver took the ring and examined it closely. It was a rare artifact, something he had personally requested from Joseph earlier. It contained unique magic that would change his entire appearance, from his hair color to his aura, transforming him into a completely new person that no one, not even the emperor, could recognize.

While Oliver was inspecting the ring and reading the papers, Joseph interrupted his thoughts with a warning tone:

"Don't break it, please. Do you realize how hard it was to get this ring? I used all my connections to obtain it."

Oliver responded with a genuine smile:

"Of course, who do you think I am?"

Joseph looked at Oliver with mild suspicion, then sighed, saying:

"Fine, as you say. But be careful, you're entering the lion's den now..."

Oliver quickly interrupted him, saying:

"The phoenix's den."

Joseph paused for a moment, looking at him in confusion as if he didn't understand what he meant. Then Oliver continued seriously:

"The phoenix, not the lion."

There was silence for a few moments as Joseph stared at Oliver in disbelief at what he had just heard. The silence lasted briefly before Joseph broke it with a smile:

"For the gods' sake, you need to improve your logic."

Joseph said that with a playful tone, then stood up and turned to leave. Oliver stifled his laughter as he watched Joseph's back disappear into the shadows.

As soon as he was gone, Oliver burst into loud laughter:


He laughed for a while, recalling Joseph's confused expression, before silence returned to the room. He looked at the wine glass in his hand, then said quietly:

"Well, I guess the vacation is over."