chapter.9 : The Calm Before the Storm

The hall was engulfed in a tense silence, every person in the meeting trying to conceal their anxiety behind a mask of calm. Samantha was no exception, but she couldn't ignore the fleeting glance Morpheus cast towards Lucas. That glance was filled with something elusive, provoking questions in her mind that she couldn't answer.

Everyone was seated around the large table, each waiting for Morpheus to begin speaking. Morpheus sat at the end of the table, his eyes shifting between the attendees with a steady gaze, as if weighing every thought and movement. Lucas, seated on the opposite side, maintained his outward calm, but something in his stillness radiated tension.

"As you know, this meeting is not ordinary," Morpheus began in a cold, resolute voice, embodying his seriousness at that moment. "The events of the past month will significantly impact our plans. The world around us has begun to move in unexpected ways."

Everyone fell silent, and the charged quiet continued to pervade the room. Even the normally strong Reagan showed signs of tension, adding to the general atmosphere of unease. Samantha sat quietly, but she couldn't help but keep her eyes on Lucas. Did he know the real reason behind Morpheus's glance?

Morpheus continued his speech, his tone remaining steady but growing more focused: "There is a threat endangering the balance we've maintained for so long. Our enemies are moving in the shadows."

He paused for a moment before continuing with increased seriousness: "We must act quickly. The enemy will not wait, but we must be cautious of small mistakes that could thwart our plans."

Everyone was listening intently, but Lucas, with his usual calmness, showed no signs of tension. He stared at the table in front of him as if lost in deep thought, yet he was subtly present in the conversation.

"Their moves are unpredictable, so we must be prepared for any step they might take," Morpheus continued, fixing his gaze on Lucas. "What do you think about this?"

Lucas slowly lifted his eyes under the flickering light, glanced around thoughtfully before responding, as if each word came after deep consideration: "I think immediate action could be an option, but we must be smarter. The enemy might try to confuse us or push us into hasty decisions. The key is to be prepared, but without being swept along by them."

His words were simple, but they reflected a stance rooted in deep contemplation. The atmosphere around was charged with something invisible, its effect felt in every movement and glance.

Morpheus nodded, his eyes reflecting the dim twilight. "We need to act, but with caution. The enemy is clever, and they won't give us a second chance if we make a mistake."

Silence fell over the room once more. In this changing space, there was nothing but the table, the flickering light, and the hidden tension rising with each passing moment. The atmosphere was charged with something invisible but clearly felt, permeating every corner of the hall.

Morpheus, after taking a deep breath, glanced at all the attendees before speaking in a steady tone.

"Very well then, let's put the situation in the Phoenix Empire aside for now. So, what's the situation in the Abraham Empire? Is everything running smoothly?"

Clara, seated quietly on the other side of the table, raised her eyes and looked at Morpheus with confidence.

"Things are going well despite the current events," she answered in a calm voice.

Morpheus nodded, as if he expected this response. "Good," he said, turning to a young man sitting nearby. The young man with brown hair and blue eyes appeared calm, but behind that calmness was strength and determination.

"Ethan, what about the rebels at the moment?" Morpheus asked with a firm yet interested tone.

Ethan, in turn, showed no signs of anxiety or concern. He answered with assured calmness: "Everything is under control. They are completely under our control."

A satisfied smile appeared on Morpheus's face, and he said quietly: "Well done."

Silence reigned once more for a moment, but everyone felt the conversation shifting towards more important matters.

Morpheus quickly regained his focus and glanced at Lily, the young woman with long black hair and dark eyes that reflected intelligence and mystery. Lily combined calmness with inner strength, but what caught everyone's attention was her long ears, which distinguished her from others, being closer to half-elf but not quite as long.

Morpheus said calmly: "What about the Sky Dive Empire, Lily?"

Lily raised her head and looked at him with focus before answering in a soft voice carrying the weight of hidden information: "Things are still strangely calm there. It's as if they want to remain neutral… or at least, that's what they want to appear."

She then turned to Alistair, who felt the weight of her gaze on him. He immediately spoke, trying to maintain his balance before the attendees. "Well, the first princess is still secretly supporting the Abraham Empire. As for her brother with the stubborn mind, he remains occupied with revelry nearby."

Alistair took a deep breath before speaking. "As for the third princess in Sky Dive, she is building strong alliances with nobles inclined to support Phoenix. She has been smart in her moves, very cautious, avoiding any step that might suggest clear bias. However, she refused to meet with representatives of the Abraham Empire, preferring to leave them waiting."

Alistair paused for a moment and continued hesitantly: "But… despite all that, she seems hesitant. She hasn't taken any bold steps yet. Something seems to be holding her back, perhaps fear of angering her allies, or maybe waiting for the right moment to act."

Morpheus nodded slowly, appreciating Alistair's analysis, but he knew there was more beneath the surface. A small smile began to appear on his lips, then he laughed softly, a laugh not without reason but filled with meaning. All eyes focused on him, wondering about the reason behind this laugh.

Then he said in a calm voice, but with a hint of sarcasm: "Oh, Alistair, how I enjoy watching them try to play cautiously. As if they think waiting will protect them. But what they don't realize is that time is not always on their side."

Morpheus added in a low tone but charged with knowledge: "The third princess might be smart, but she is playing a dangerous game. Excessive caution may cause her to lose her opportunity."

The laugh was not without reason but a reflection of his thinking about the current situation. Morpheus knew that waiting could be more costly than bold action, which made him see the princess's actions as just a temporary game, vulnerable to being broken at any moment.

"And likewise, while excessive caution can cause people to lose their opportunities, I said that lack of caution makes people lose something greater… Don't you agree, Lucas?"

When Lucas's name was mentioned, the attendees noticed a hidden tension on his face. His eyes widened slightly, as if the idea proposed by Morpheus stirred a deep concern within him. He remained silent for a moment, as if the words from Morpheus had raised profound questions in his mind. It was clear he was weighing his options with a fluctuating mind, feeling a deep-seated anxiety, which added an extra layer of tension to the charged atmosphere.