Highest Treason [II]

I let out a quiet sigh and tossed the gun away.

Then, I looked at the corpse.

High Priest Bowden lay sprawled on the blood-slicked floor.

His body was still warm, but his face was frozen in the kind of expression most people only make once in their lives — right before they die.

His final moment, captured forever.

It was almost poetic.

Except I wasn't feeling particularly poetic right now.

I stared at him for a long moment. Then, sighing again, I crouched down and grabbed his arm.

"Heavy bastard," I muttered while struggling to lift him up.

The guy was deadweight — and I meant literally. Also, dragging him wasn't exactly appealing. But I didn't have a choice.

The treasure room's entrance was locked behind a three-factor biometric authentication system. Retina scan. Vein pattern recognition. DNA verification.

A level of security that bordered on paranoia.

Unfortunately for Bowden, he was the key.