After binding Aurieth to myself, I ate a sandwich to recover some of my strength, drank some good scotch, and collapsed onto my bed.
I couldn't even remember when my eyes closed and sleep overtook me, but it did, and I welcomed it with open arms.
I was so exhausted that I couldn't recall what I dreamt after falling asleep, not that I usually remember my dreams anyway.
But what I did remember was the infuriating frustration I felt when a sharp ringing sound jolted me awake from my much-needed slumber.
Ding, Ding—!!
It was my doorbell.
I ignored it for the first few times and flung my arms over my face, trying to block the incessant noise.
But by the fourth ring, my patience snapped.
I groaned and peeled the blanket off my body with the grace of a dying man.
Whoever was at the door clearly had no regard for my suffering.
Ding, Ding—!!
The fifth ring.