Learning Essence Circulation [III]

Michael could vividly remember every moment of his high school life.

He had transferred there after the disappearance of his parents. His home life was… not great.

He was living with his uncle and aunt, who had usurped every single penny his parents left for him, except their last belongings.

They used all that money to buy their own children fancy stuff, fund their Awakened education, and live lavishly, while Michael was treated as little more than an afterthought.

His bedroom was a cramped storage room, his meals were whatever leftovers they decided to spare, and his presence in the house was despised.

His uncle regularly abused him. His favorite pastime was to press burning cigarettes against Michael's hands.

His aunt was no better.

She didn't hit him, not directly. That would be too much effort. Instead, she wielded cruelty in words, in neglect, in the way she made sure he knew he was unwanted.