I walked into the arena, dressed in a sleeveless black combat vest and matching track pants.
The field was flooded with people, and as soon as I appeared, their gazes shifted to me. Some looked on with rapt attention, while others glanced my way with pure disdain.
Some wanted to see me fail instantly, believing I deserved it for everything I had said. Others hoped at least for an entertaining fight.
Nevertheless, everyone's eyes were on me.
…Just as I wanted.
Most of what had happened so far was part of my plan.
But I wasn't the only one planning things.
I wasn't the only one playing this game.
There were many reasons I orchestrated that scuffle between those Cadets and forced both the noble and commoner factions to get involved.
It was all so I could challenge their leaders — and their strongest members — to a ten-against-one match.
Why did I do that?