The other side of love II


But half an hour later, I was still struggling with one document, reading and rereading to understand what it said because I couldn't concentrate.

Lax was pacing inside me.

"She's saying her vows right now," He whined in my head. "Can you imagine how beautiful she looks?

"You're a fool. Lax growled. Lyla should be ours."

"Not now, Lax," I muttered under my breath, returning my focus to my work.

"Remember how her skin felt under our hands. Her scent, her smile," Lax continued ignoring me. "How could you let her go?"

I slammed my pen down as I growled. "Enough! Please Lax, I don't want to be worked up. Please…. I don't want that, let's just go through with this."

Thankfully, the door burst open and Lenny sauntered in, he was in a good mood.