The gathering storm...


I woke up to an empty bed and a delicious ache all over my body. The space beside me was still faintly warm from where Ramsey had been. The air in the room was still heavy with his scent and for a moment, I lay there staring at the ceiling trying to shake off the remnants of sleep and the after-effect of our lovemaking this morning.

Despite all his talks about preserving our strength for today, we succumbed to our desires sometime this morning. I had stirred to him in between my head, giving me solid licks till my legs quaked with want. It was the sweetest one hour of my life ever.

I must have fallen asleep afterwards but not before I heard Ramsey whispering how much he loves me and how much he wanted me every day. A small smile lingered on my lips as I stretched lazily, was I allowed to be this happy?

A sudden knock on the door startled me.