Chapter 3 Doomsday Conspiracy

"We have to start with the information from Reynolds." Arya's voice was low and firm. She stood beside me, staring at the ruins in front of her with a sharp gaze. The former scientific research institution has now become a wasteland in the end of the world. I nodded, and I already had a plan in my mind. "This is where he started his career, and it is also the birthplace of the "Source of Life" technology. If we want to expose his crimes, we must start from here." As night fell, we quietly sneaked into the ruins under the cover of moonlight. Every step was taken carefully, for fear of alarming the enemy hidden in the dark. The ruins seemed like a huge maze, with broken walls and dilapidated experimental equipment everywhere. "Look here!" Arya suddenly called me softly, pointing to a seemingly ordinary wall. I walked closer and found an inconspicuous stone slab on the wall, with a series of complex symbols and numbers engraved on the stone slab. "Is this... a code?" I frowned and observed these symbols carefully. "No, this is the experimental record." Arya took a deep breath, "Reynolds has conducted countless secret experiments here, and these records are his evidence." We quickly divided the work and cooperated. Arya was responsible for deciphering the information in the record, while I looked around vigilantly to ensure that our actions were not discovered. As Arya interpreted, an astonishing truth gradually surfaced. It turned out that Reynolds had been using the "Source of Life" technology for his own personal gain. He secretly conducted a large number of human experiments and even destroyed evidence that might threaten his position. These crimes are simply outrageous! "We must stop him!" I clenched my fists, my heart full of anger and a sense of justice. Arya nodded: "We have to find a way to create chaos, divert his attention, and then take the opportunity to collect more evidence." I thought for a moment and took out a delicate little device from my pocket-"Element Resonator". This is a new type of technology I developed in the end times, which can trigger the resonance of elements in nature and create various abnormal phenomena. "Let's use it to create a storm." I smiled slightly and started the "Element Resonator". A moment later, the sky above the ruins was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder. A small storm suddenly descended, with raging winds and rolling up dust. This abnormal phenomenon immediately attracted the attention of Reynolds's forces, and they sent people to check it out. However, Alia and I had already taken the opportunity to hide. We cleverly manipulated the clues and directed the attention of Reynolds's forces in another direction. They could never have imagined that the real revenge plan was being carried out in secret. Looking at the busy figures of Reynolds's forces in the storm, I was secretly happy. This storm not only bought us time, but also laid a fog for our revenge plan. Reynolds, your doomsday is coming!

Alia and I took advantage of the chaos and sneaked into Reynolds's core laboratory. This is where his real secret lies, hiding the truth of the "Source of Life" technology and the evidence of all his crimes.

The interior of the laboratory is like a huge beehive, with dense pipes and wires intertwined, and a huge instrument placed in the center, emitting a faint roar.

"Is this the core of the 'Source of Life'?" I looked at the instrument in front of me in surprise. The energy fluctuations it emitted made me shudder.

Arya nodded, her face solemn: "Yes, we must be careful. There are alarm systems everywhere here."

As she spoke, she walked lightly to a control console and began to crack the code skillfully. I looked around nervously, fearing any disturbance.

Just then, a burst of hurried footsteps broke the silence. Arya and I looked at each other and our hearts tightened. Could it be that our actions were discovered?

I immediately hid in a secret compartment, and Arya quickly turned off the console and stood aside pretending nothing had happened.

The door was pushed open, and a figure in a black uniform rushed in. He glanced around the laboratory, and his eyes finally fell on Arya.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" He asked sharply, revealing a hint of vigilance in his tone.

Arya took a deep breath and remained calm: "I'm a new researcher, I'm here to get familiar with the environment." The man in black frowned, and didn't seem to completely believe her words. He walked to the console and began to check the records. I hid in the secret compartment, my heartbeat accelerated, and fine beads of sweat oozed out of my palms. If I was discovered, the consequences would be disastrous. Arya also looked at the man in black nervously, she knew she had to take action before the other party found the flaw. At this moment, she suddenly thought of an idea. She quietly pressed a button on the console while the man in black was not paying attention. The lights in the laboratory suddenly flickered, and the man in black was startled and immediately turned to look at Arya. "What's going on?" He asked loudly, revealing a hint of panic in his tone. Arya took the opportunity to rush to the door and pushed the man in black away: "Run, the laboratory is going to self-destruct!" The man in black was stunned for a moment, then reacted and rushed out of the laboratory with Arya. I also took the opportunity to crawl out of the secret compartment and followed them closely. We ran all the way, through the long corridors and stairs, and finally escaped from Reynolds' building.

There was a loud bang behind us, and the whole building was blown into ruins.

"Great, we succeeded!" Arya hugged me excitedly, with a smile on her face.

I also breathed a sigh of relief, and my heart was full of gratitude and joy. We finally destroyed Reynolds' evil plan and brought a little peace to the world.

However, things did not end there. The man in black struggled to stand up from the ground, his face full of anger and hatred: "How dare you destroy my plan! I will make you pay the price!"

As he said, he turned and fled into the dark alley. Arya and I looked at each other, full of vigilance. It seems that this struggle is far from over. We must continue to track this man in black and uncover the conspiracy behind him.