Awaiting His Lips

Madison, The Velthorne child rumored to be so scalded from the hot water and fragile from the wound that she was forbidden from sunlight, and yet, here she was, playing freely. 

The thought made Salviana's stomach tighten. Madison was well and strong, she had friends visiting and she could run away from her.

Had they lied to stir fear or distrust? To call Alaric a beast and her evil? She'd felt so guilty she couldn't believe it was all a lie.

She managed a calm nod, pushing down the questions bubbling in her mind. "And you?" she asked with a warm smile. "What's your name?"

The girl beamed. "I'm Sharon, her friend." Her face brightened with pride. "I'm a noble miss, not to worry."

Salviana chuckled softly. "Oh, that doesn't matter to me, dear. I just wanted to say hello." She said with a smile. 

Sharon smiled, seeming to relax even more. "Thank you. I should go after Madison now."