Jean bit the inside of her cheek, forcing the thought away.
None of it mattered now. The only thing that mattered was finding Salviana before something terrible happened.
But no matter how fast she walked, how many rooms she checked, she couldn't shake the gnawing voice in her head.
You're incompetent.
They'll strip you of your duty even if she's found safe.
The thought sent a fresh wave of nausea rolling through her.
A hand suddenly grabbed her wrist, halting her frantic movement.
She turned sharply, eyes wild, only to meet Lucius's dark, steady gaze.
"Jean." His voice was calm, grounding. He tugged her closer, just enough to make her hold his gaze. "Stop blaming yourself. It won't help us find her any faster."
Jean clenched her fists. "But it's my fault—"
"It's not," Lucius cut in, his tone firm. "Salviana left on her own. You couldn't have known what would happen.