The Window To The Barrier

A loud, unforgiving clang echoed through the small room as her foot met unyielding metal.

"Ah—!" Salviana gasped as she lost her balance, stumbling backward and landing hard on the floor. The jolt sent a fresh wave of pain through her already aching head.

She winced, biting back a curse.

For a moment, the only sound was the ragged rhythm of her own breathing — until she noticed something.

The bird.

It had paused, head cocked, as though it too had heard the noise.

No — not just the bird.

Beyond the door, she heard it — the faint scrape of movement. The slight catch of breath.

Her captor.

He had heard her.

Panic flashed through her, but before it could root itself in her chest, she did something unexpected. She chuckled.

A dry, breathless sound — half from pain, half from the absurdity of it all.