The Time Has Come

She didn't explain it properly but i get it now. A dude molested her and i confessed to her the very next day.

After a bit of time, i felt guilty that she was all alone and spread the reality of why she's avoiding people.

But, here's what the real problem was. After she heard about the rumours she tried to clarify everything but sadly the Class teacher Mr Sasazuki Stopped her saying it'd just cause problems.

And later decided to frame me and make me the bad guy, she didn't listen to this and inturn was blackmailed, probably through grades.

This caused her to panic and she decided to accept it. I'm guessing that The Att3mpted rape and my confession the very next day caused a suspension bridge effect.

Which caused her to hate me and this hate led to her accepting the offer.

Let's think about it practically... A guy tries to rpe you and the very next day your male friend confesses to you.

Nahh, that's the nastiest shit i can ever think of.

If i was a women, even i'd have hated myself. What really remains is The guy who's moving scott free after doing all this.

Kagami Mishima. A blonde hair dude with ear Piercings, he's a perfect Dilenquent who forces women into submission.

He has a bad reputation of drugs and Alcohol consumption but nobody does anything because he's the son of a Local politician.

If i have to pick a fight against a local Politician i need to pass this training And become a recognised under training army officer.

While a normal NDA training lasts for 3 years, this season's NDA only lasts for 1 year.

It's a training centre of sorts that is mainly based for writing Army and civil service competitive exams.

It isn't an army service exam as a whole.

It's different from the actual NDA which lasts for 3 years. It's a different section of NDA That has been newly established to only last for 1 year.

It's purpose is to train Cadets for the future.

So they can write Competitive exams and pass the actual Armed forces Exams.


It was the 14th of September and i was packing my stuff to go for the Medical exam.

The guide was quite helpful and i was glad that i passed the written Exam.

I was ranked in the 100's which is a great record when i compare it to the fact that there were a total of 3 lakh students who write the exam.

Anyway, as i was packing my books to study for the exams, my sister walked in.

i hid the books quickly... It'll only cause misunderstandings but if she realises now that she's been treating me like shit over a misunderstanding than I'm not ready for how she'll take it.

"You don't have to hide it from me anymore."

"What do you mean? I'm not hiding any porn mags. I swear."

"Dumbro I already know, i've seen it. I've seen the books so stop acting like a pervert when you aren't."

"What? Who said you could touch my stuff? Doesn't that make you the pervert?"

As i was babbling nonsense, i was only thinking of 1 thing...

It's been quite a while since she's called me Dumbro. While it's a but of a curse word, it's something she says out of love.

"ofcourse i didn't see it, mom forced me to."

"What? Mom's seen it too?"

"Yaa, she was trying to stash the pornos away and than she saw this and was quite shocked.

"Yes son, the moment i saw those books fully worn down... I realised i'd raised a real man."


Mom showed up from behind the door looking at me with a smile.

"It's nice to know that you passed the written exam. We had to work real hard to get a hold of your hall ticket."

"Yaa, i can't believe i did all that... Trying to get a damn number."

"What did you do?"

"I don't wanna talk about it."

"What happened to your nose?"

"I got hurt..."

"You punched her in your sleep shouting YES SIR. Hahahaha"

"What? I'm sorry, i do have weird dreams sometimes."

"Mom, can you please stop laughing?"

"I can't... The image is just so funny. Hahaha"


They both started laughing together.


Did i really shout like that in my sleep? The image is so funny i can't stop laughing...

How long has it been, since i last talked to these two properly?

It kinda makes me happy.


"Well, best of luch son... I know you can do it. You have worked hard for quite a while so i know that if anyone can do it It's you."

"Thanks mom."

"Here... Have this while on the bus. Yes, i'm giving one to you too Alya so stop looking like that."

"Thanks mom."

It's a sweet that i like very much, it's quite expensive, i wanted to tell her to not waste so much of her money but i didn't have to worry.

Since if i pass this round and ace the interview, medical and physical exams I'll easily get around 34 lakh Yen by the end of the year.

2000 dollars a Month is my Salary and They'll take 700 for Charges which will give me 1300 a month.

Meaning I'll get 22,28,400 Lakh Yen by the end of the year.

With extra Money from here and there i should probably get around 25 lakh yen.

With added respect.

Who wouldn't want this.

Mom, Dad I'll make y'all proud.

With this almost 50% of the debt should be taken care of.

But for now... I'll need to concentrate on the interview and Make sure i ace it.