CH 2: Cooperation With Miquella

Alistair :"You know, I think necromancers should be buff as hell instead of lanky skeletons."

Miquella :"Why?"

Alistair, Leonardo DiCaprio smug face :"Because they do a lot of... deadlifting."

Miquella didn't look impressed.


Alistair was over the moon. It seriously couldn't get any better. Not only was he in one of his favorite games, he also had Miquella inside of him for some reason. Previously, he was going to look for a way to get him or Marika as his spouse, since for him, as a man of fine tastes, it was either milf or femboy when the options existed.

But now, there was no need for all of that trouble. Since he was literally inside of him. If he had to take a guess, it was Crow being an amazing Chad like always. The only thing that could make the situation better was if the Grafted Scion outside grew wings and flew away to somewhere else.

'... Actually, scratch that. Those bastards are already disgusting enough as land creatures. I do NOT want to imagine a winged one. Ugh.'

As he shivered in disgust, he brought his attention back to his current situation. Ah, yes, he was thinking of how lucky he was from the get go. He was especially thankful for his luck since Miquella didn't have a mental breakdown after he made the daring decision of telling him how he knew him and his world.

"So our world is actually a "video" game in your world, and every story and whatnot are worlds of their own in the grand existence?" He heard Miquella mumble to himself in his mind.

The demigod was silent for a moment, thoughtful, before he hummed curiously :"So that's why you basically know everything about our world? Well, everything important, that is."

Alistair was surprised by his reaction :"Huh? That's what you're curious about?"

Miquella smiled lightly in his mind :"Why? How did you expect me to react?"

Alistair shrugged :"Well, I don't know, panic a bit? I'm happy that you aren't, but I prepared myself for it."

Miquella chuckled, a sound so pleasing to Alistair's ears, or mind :"I understand why you would think that. But your explanation was understandable enough for me to find sense in it.

All I know is that I have a sense of self and am alive, that is enough proof for me to know that I'm real. And besides, we have more important matters to attend to rather than philosophical questions such as if we're real or life is worth living. So you already know about me and my plan, huh?"

Alistair smiled :"Your plan of ascending to godhood with Radahn, resurrected in Mohg's body, as your consort, and starting the Age of Compassion? Yeah, I know all about it. And I have a suggestion. Let's go with your accord. Where we both help each other out since we're stuck together, and I'll help you in becoming a god."

Miquella raised an eyebrow :"Huh? You will? I thought you'd be against the idea if you knew."

"Sure, the whole idea of Age of Compassion sounds sketchy, since it's basically taking away free will. But free will be damned when all it brings is suffering. Everybody in the Lands Between has free will, but look at the situation. Finding a happy individual is so rare it's a miracle when it happens.

Honestly, in my opinion, it's an amazing idea. It's basically making the world a paradise, where you only know happiness. And besides, it's not like we're going to turn people into mindless, drooling puppets. It's just making it so everybody will always be happy instead while living their daily lives, without suffering or making others suffer. I would have picked that ending any day of the week if it existed in the game."

"Huh, so our mentalities align." Miquella smiled, a genuine smile in finding someone who shared his beliefs. A smile so beautiful it would have melted Alistair's heart if he could see it. But with Miquella in his mind, he could feel the happiness he radiated through the connection he felt between them.

"That is most pleasing to know." He added :"Then I suppose there's nothing more to discuss. Do we come to an agreement then, young Tarnished?"

With a grin, the young Tarnished gave a two finger salute :"Sir, yes, sir. Happy working with you, and I hope for a pleasant cooperation."

"Likewise. Hahahaha, you're an amusing individual." Miquella chuckled :"Then I suppose correct introductions are in order. As you are already aware, I am known as Miquella the Kind. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Alistair smiled politely, a habit, even though he had a feeling Miquella couldn't see it :"My name is Alistair, a reincarnated and Tarnished of no renown. Pleasure to meet you too, Miquella. Hope we make a good pair."

"Same here, Alistair. Same here." Miquella gave a nod in acknowledgement :"So I suppose we should make our way out of this... church, is it?"

"Hm? You can see the outside?"

"Yes, actually. Interestingly enough. What you see is actually shown like a moving painting in front of me."

"Ooh, so like a first person shooting game."

"Uuh... yes? I do not know what that means."

Alistair chuckled :"Oh, hahahaha don't worry about it. Just to make sure, you don't see it from your own vision, but like something you look at?"

"Yes, as I said so. It's like a big, horizontal picture is in front of me and the paintings inside are moving around as your eyes move."

"Ooh, alright, first person POV it is. Good to know you'll be able to see the outside world too. It would be boring having the exact same scenario all day long up there. Anyway, yes, we're in a church. A place called the Chapel of Anticipation.

I don't know if it's the same for every Tarnished, but every player in my old world would start off from this place. And unfortunately, bad news, but there's a bloody Grafted Scion right outside waiting to kill us."

Miquella frowned :"Grafted Scion? What is that? Is it a mighty opponent?"

"Uuh... remember Godrick? The one related to Godfrey, First Elden Lord?"

"Ooh, of the Golden Lineage?" Miquella groaned, rubbing his temples :"Godrick the Grafted, of course. The name should have given it away. How is this Grafted Scion related to that disgusting fellow?"

Alistair sighed :"Basically, that guy started making mini versions of himself. You know, multiple-limbed monstrosities?"

"Ugh, as if one abomination such as him wasn't enough. So, what then? Is there a way to avoid it, perhaps? No offense, but I'm doubtful you'll be able to face something that Godrick has created himself."

"No, you're right. I am too weak currently, since I've just started. But it's alright. Facing this Grafted Scion is a must, because we're literally in the middle of nowhere, away from the mainland and on a random island. But it's okay. It doesn't matter if we win or lose, we'll survive either way. We just need to fight him.

But hopefully, we'll win. The runes it would drop will be beneficial. But like you, I'm doubtful too. In my world, swords and such basically serve no purpose other than sports or decorations. But thankfully, I did wish for skills in combat. So let's hope and hit the road."

Miquella could only sigh :"Alright, I hope you know what you're doing. Just be careful so that our journey won't end before it even begins properly."

"Yeah, sure." He chuckled. Picking up everything that seemed to belong to him, meaning his Battle Axe, Large Leather Shield, and a Golden Seed as his picked keepsake, he made his way to the door. But he found the dead body of the woman who should have been his Finger Maiden first. Laying against the tattered wall, she was sitting on a pool of her own fresh blood.

"A victim of the Grafted Scion, I presume?" Miquella hummed a frown. Alistair shook his head :"No, I don't think so. It was never revealed how she died, but I don't think it was the Grafted Scion. Those things aren't exactly the gentle type. She's way too... "intact" to be a victim of that bloody thing."

"Ooh, I see. But who was she? Didn't you say we're stranded off in the middle of nowhere?"

"She is... well, was supposed to be my Finger Maiden."

Miquella's eyes widened :"What?! Then isn't this very bad?! A Finger Maiden is extremely important to a Tarnished! How are you going to turn runes into strength otherwise?!"

"Oh, it's alright. We'll actually be getting another Finger Maiden in a while who'll also help out in burning down the Erdtree. I think she'll also be the one who saves us if we lose against the Grafted Scion."

Miquella raised an eyebrow :"A Finger Maiden aiding you in burning down the Erdtree? But they serve the Two Fingers, don't they?"

Alistair chuckled :"Not this one. Don't worry, I'll explain everything later. For now, like you said, we have more important things to do. But before that, we need a piece of her bloodied clothes."

As he made his way to the corpse, the demigod frowned :"What? Why would we need that? Please don't disrespect the dead if it's not necessary."

"Oh, believe me, it's going to be VERY necessary." Alistair chuckled mischievously :"And you're gonna love it when you know why we needed this."

Getting on one knee, he laid her completely on the ground instead of half falling from the wall, and ripped off a piece of her clothes from her wrists and bathed it in her blood.

"May you rest in peace." He said gently, making sure her eyes were closed before he stood up before seeing a writing on the ground :"Though the path be broken and uncertain, claim your place as Elden Lord!"

"Hahaha, sure thing." He chuckled, before giving a small bow of his head in courtesy and finally opening the door. The doors were big and thick, but he took a surprisingly low afford to open them.

Looking down at his arms, he flexed his biceps with a smile :'Even if I'm weak right now, I still have the developed body of a warrior, huh?' Noticing golden fallen leaves gently flowing down from the sky, he looked up, and met with a view that stole his breath.

A golden tree, bigger than any mountain he had ever seen, and so beautiful that left him stunned. It stretched to the very sky and illuminated the world like a second sun.

"So that's the Erdtree." He calmed down :"It's so beautiful seeing it in person. No wonder people worship it."

But unlike him, Miquella was confused :"What? Why is the Erdtree still intact? From what I know, it should be burning after a Tarnished set it on fire!"

He got Alistair thinking, who hummed thoughtfully :"If that's what you remember, then I think you also traveled back in time, Miquella."

"Huh, is that so?" Miquella sighed :"Not the weirdest thing that has happened to me today."

Alistair chuckled at his groan, before looking around. Finding his path, he walked down the wooden stairs and across the bridge, weapon at hand and vigilant to any attacks. He knew he didn't need to worry, but he would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous.

Crossing into the open field, where the giant statue of Queen Marika the Eternal stood imposingly, he got ready for combat upon hearing the terrifying shriek.

A figure... no, a monster crashed into the open field, and Alistair had to hold back his gag. It looked disgusting. A creature with several twisted arms on each side, along with several more malformed legs, attached to what could be called a giant torso, along with a human head that was small compared to the body.

It shrieked at him, and Alistair heard the disgusted hiss of Miquella :"Ooh, what in blazes... I had low expectations for a creation of that blasted Godrick, and I'm still disgusted."

"Unfortunately, he seems to like me. Especially my fucking limbs." Alistair groaned and readied his equipment.