CH 23: Miquella Passes Puberty

(A/N: Did y'all check out the auxiliary chapter with Miquella's Images in it? I dug into my "treasury" to get them, you know👀?)

Miquella :"I know I've been talking about Alistair all morning, but another thing I love about him is that he just gets me."

Maliketh :"Can he come get you right now?"


"Alistair! Alistair, wake up!" In his deep sleep, Alistair heard a sweet voice that awfully resembled his fiance's (?), but... more mature :"Come on, wake up already! Alistair!"

With a sleepy groan, he obeyed. Sitting up and supporting himself with a hand while the other rubbed his eyes :"Miquella? What's the matter? Why are you so excited so early... in the..."

Oh I, I just died in your arms tonight

It must've been something you said

I just died in your arms tonight

Oh I, I just died in your arms tonight

It must've been some kind of kiss

'Oh, holy mother of god...' He couldn't describe the person in front of him as anything but a goddess. A goddess of beauty. Because damn, he was absolutely stunned at the beauty of his waker.

"M... Miquella...?" He asked, not sure if his voice even left him. Miquella looked over the moon, his happiness radiating and brightening the world around him. And when he saw the flabbergasted state of his consort, his excited smile grew into a shy, hopeful one, a blush gracing his now gorgeous face :"Y-yeah, it's me. W-what do you t-think? Do I... look good?"

Alistair didn't even know how to respond. He looked absolutely gorgeous. Something straight out of a fairy tale. The previously childish girly face had grown into a stunning embodiment of beauty, one that would put even the most beautiful woman to shame. He looked different from the Miquella he remembered in the game, simply beautiful rather than mixed with handsomeness. Alistair wasn't complaining. Never.

His hair, golden as ever, long enough to go down his slender back, seemed to be radiating light. Seemingly glowing under the sunshine. The Tarnished couldn't bring himself to look away even for a second to go lower, eyes stuck on the face that had stunned him.

"...You look absolutely gorgeous." He whispered, making Miquella's smile and blush grow as a hand gently cupped his soft cheek. The golden beauty leaned into the strong hand, a fond smile on his pretty pink lips :"And it's all because of you. Thank you, my dear consort. I thank you with all of my heart."

"Yeah... yeah..." He couldn't even form a conversation, his eyes locked on the pretty lips that looked so delicious suddenly. Miquella shivered seeing his state. His heavy breathing, his hot gaze, the raising temperature of his hand, it all made the golden femboy's boy grow hotter as well.

He didn't know if it was Alistair who pulled him in or if he leaned forward himself, but the distance between them began to close. He found himself mere inches away from his consort, his future husband, and the lips he found himself so hungry for. The look that Alistair was giving him, those heavy pupils, along with the hand that slowly circled his small waist, making him shiver, finally broke the camel's back.

The hand around his waist pulled him in just as he leaned in hurriedly, his arms circling around the noiret's neck as their lips crashed into each other's, making them both release a wanton moan at the same time.

Alistair quickly sat right, pulling Miquella onto his lap as their lips moved with one another. They could drown in each other's taste. Each felt such a hunger for the other as they tasted one another.

And as much as he disliked it, Miquella broke the kiss first after running out of air. His lungs burned from how much he went without oxygen just to keep the delicious kiss going. He panted, eyes hot and heavy as he stared at the panting noiret :"Wow... that was..." His voice working surprised even him.

"Amazing." Alistair continued for him. Miquella chuckled, making him smile fondly as well. But as the laughter died down, leaving behind just smiles, Miquella's eyes locked onto his lips again :"Then shall we... go again?"

"Seriously, do you even need to ask?" He basically growled, pulling him in again with a hand in his golden hair. It guided him, making him tilt his head and align it with his, immediately making the heavy kiss even better, making the more sensitive beauty moan from having his lips absolutely devoured.

But Alistair was just starting the feast. He had just woken up, and he was ready for breakfast. And what better meal than his oh so gorgeous husband? His lip peaked out, gently licking Miquella's lips and making him yelp. But when the golden femboy noticed he was asking for permission to deepen the kiss even more, if that was even possible, he sank further into his embrace, mouth hesitantly opening to allow him entrance.

And enter Alistair did. His tongue immediately rushed into Miquella's mouth, past his plump lips, and attacked his shy tongue with the fiercest love he had seen from the noiret.

The golden beauty gasped and moaned as his tongue was attacked. Assaulted as he felt his consort's tongue wrestling harshly, lewdly, yet dancing gracefully at the same time. His body lost all power as he sank into his husband's embrace, letting him explore his mouth and overpower his pretty tongue.

But he was a demigod, an Empyrean at that. How could he just let himself be overpowered so effortlessly, even if it was his chosen consort? With a defiant moan, his tongue fought back, trying to push back the tongue invading his mouth so shamelessly so he could explore his lover's sinful mouth as well. Keyword, tried to.

Alistair was a gentle lover who would give his lover chances. But now, he was far too hungry for his god to waste even for a moment. Miquella's efforts only got a growl from him, warning him to stay put.

But it only aroused Miquella's brattiness. As good as it felt to let Alistair manhandle him, fighting back to annoy him felt even better, since it would lead to further pleasure. So, with a smirk that Alistair felt against his own lips, Miquella fought back even harder.

Resulting in another growl, and a harsh spank to his butt that made him yelp and moan at the same time. At the spank, they both froze on the spot. Miquella from the horror of moaning so lewdly from getting spanked, and Alistair from the sensation he felt against his hand.

He took in a shaky breath before kneading Miquella's ass. THICK ass. The ass that felt so meaty as his fingers sank into the only cheek he could grab. Just last night, he could grab nearly Miquella's entire ass, both cheeks, with one hand. But now, he couldn't even hold the entirety of one cheek with one hand.

His eyes shot open, slowly pulling away from the panting Miquella who squirmed and moaned gently as his ass was felt up. Because of the sudden growth spurt, he wasn't used to how sensitive his rear was yet.

For the first time since he woke up, his eyes finally left his lover's gorgeous face, moving down instead. Although grown up, his chest and waist were still small. Not as small as before, but still smaller than an average male's.

But what had changed significantly was his bottom. His big butt. His shapely booty. His dumptruck of an ass. His fat hips. His thunder thighs. His hips had grown to the point that it would make women jealous. (Image👀:)

If he wasn't so stunned at the glorious booty, the best he had ever seen in person, he would be angry at Miquella for not completely resting it on his lap. He was so charmed by his face before that he didn't even notice Miquella hadn't sat fully on his lap.

But from the looks of it, it was because he was embarrassed. The golden fat booty femboy squirmed in his embrace, avoiding his gaze with the most charming blush Alistair had ever seen :"D-don't stare so much..."

"...You're asking for way too much." After the shock, it was horniness that came back, making him grin slyly :"How can I not look and feel this fat ass when it's the best ass I've ever seen?"

Miquella's blush grew, his back arching and pushing him further into Alistair as his ass was groped even harder :"D-don't call it fat... I-I didn't expect my b-butt to become s-so big... i-it's embarrassing... and weird..."

The golden demigod mood sank, actually seeming to be worried about his butt. Seeing Alistair's smile drop at his words made him even more worried, almost sad, before he yelped loudly in surprise when a harsh slap made his ass cheek ripple, causing him to wince at the force behind it.

"W-what the heck-" Miquella pouted at Alistair, but gulped when seeing his scolding glare :"What did you just say?" It made him shiver.

"I-I said it's weird- ah!!" Another harsh spank.

"What. Did. You. Say?"

"I-it's weird, okay?! Eek!" Another harsh spank.


"I-it's true, alright?! N-no guy has a r-rear this big- ouch!" Another harsh spank.


"Uuw, s-stop spanking me, please! It hurts! Ow! Oww, Alistair, please!" He whined at the sting, pouting pleadingly as his eyes began to sting too. But a hand suddenly gripping his jaw startled him :"Listen here, you beautiful little shit.

I don't care if it's bigger than normal or not, it's not weird. Even if it is, it's not weird in a bad way, but in the best way possible. How could your ass being big be a bad thing?! Are you stupid?! You're surprised to be smart, so why are you saying such dumb stuff?!

What do you think is better, an ass so fat and beautiful that I can't stop myself from feeling it up, or a small ass that would fill my days with disappointment?"

Miquella knew he was being scolded, but Alistair's crude words still made him blush in embarrassment :"Y-you pervert..."

"Answer the fucking question, or forget about being able to sit on this fine ass after I'm done spanking it."

He shivered, pouting :"...T-the first option..."

Alistair narrowed his eyes :"What is the first option?"

"Y-you know..." His lips quivered, his words coming out as mumbles :"H-having a... ig... tt- ah! Oww..."

"Speak. Clearly."

"H-having a big ass, alright! Having a f-fat ass is better! There, I-I said it!" He felt like he was going to cry from shame, but the relief of Alistair being angry at him for being self conscious made him strangely happy.

The smug smile that he flashed him certainly calmed him down, even if it made him pout :"Yeah, you've got that right. And never forget it, you got that? Never disrespect this beautiful ass either. It's mine now. So if you disrespect my ass again, you better be ready for the spanking you'll get."

Miquella tried to hide his relief, his happiness, with a pout that Alistair saw right through :"H-how did my butt become yours?"

The noiret's annoyance left him, leaving him grinning smugly :"It's your ass, and you are mine, so it's my ass too. Actually, it's mine more than it is yours. Yeah, that sounds more right."

The golden femboy rolled his eyes, but his pout turned into an amused, happy chuckle :"Fine, fine, it's yours."

"Good. You're finally using that pretty little head of yours." He snickered, pulling him forcibly down to sit down completely on his lap. And he nearly moaned at the feeling of the plush ass on his lap. Miquella still looked embarrassed, but he let his head rest on Alistair's chest comfortably :"Thank you, Alistair."

"Hahaha, for claiming your ass as mine? you're welcome."

"*Rolling his eyes in amusement* I'm serious. Although it's embarrassing to admit, I... felt weird for how big my butt had become. I thought you would find it weird too. Or gross, worst case scenario. Hahaha, I guess it was a stupid thought with how you are."

"*Smirking* Yeah, you've got that right. I'm a booty warrior first and foremost after all. But now... how about we continue where we left off?"

The hand that was unwilling to leave his fat ass moved again, gripping and pulling his cheek aside as his finger poked at his soft hole, making Miquella jolt :"W-wait! H-hold on, Alistair."

"What? What is it?" The noiret tried to sound patient, but the annoyance and impatience in his voice was very noticeable. Miquella curled in his arms, blushing all over :"I... I'm still... tired from last night. I-I seriously can't go any more, okay? P-please, spar me the pleasure for now?"

As much as his pleading eyes aroused his sadistic side, he could see the honesty in them. He could only sigh with a smile and pat his head :"Fine, fine. I will spare your ass for now."

Miquella sighed in relief, but a hand raised his chin, making him stare at Alistair's wolfish grin :"But I'm not sparing those lips. Bring them here, I want more kisses!"

And Miquella's lips, mouth and tongue were assaulted until he was a mushy poodle in Alistair's arms. And even then, the Tarnished didn't get enough of his taste.