CH 49: St Trina's Past

Miquella :"What got you so deep in thoughts?"

Alistair :"Animals are so crazy. Like, little dudes don't even know their mom is only a year older than them!"

Miquella :"...Do you ever wonder why I mostly ignore you when you're deep in thoughts."


The next morning, after having a good rest from their intense gay as hell sex (ಠ⁠◡⁠ಠ), they woke up in each other's embrace. But even after a while of waking up, they didn't have the heart to leave each other's warmth. They simply laid there, in each other's arms, and loving each other's presence.

They didn't speak. Their intertwined presence, warmth and smell did it for them. They could only exchange a short few words of "good mornings" with small but fond smiles before succumbing to laziness.

But after a while, Alistair couldn't hold it anymore. Miquella's words from last night echoed in his mind. And although he felt like his beloved god wanted to avoid the subject again, to escape from it, he needed to give him a few gentle pushes for him to finally confront his worries.

"Hey, Miq?" He spoke softly.

"Hm?" Miquella answered. But from the soft tone in his voice, Alistair figured that he knew what he wanted to talk about. His hand gently stroked his lovely hair :"Can you tell me a little about St Trina?

About who she exactly is? How she came to be? Are you and her like Marika and Radagon? Born in the same body, but two different individuals? I have my own theories, but I want to know if they're true. Would you please tell me?"

"...Haaah, Trina, she... she is my "love," as you already know." Miquella started after a moment of hesitation :"And no, we aren't like Queen Marika and father. Unlike them, who were twins born in the same body, Trina didn't exist at first.

It's a long story, and it began a very long time ago. When I was trying to find a way to cure my sister, Malenia. When we were children, although the truth was hard to swallow, I understood that the Golden Order couldn't save us.

I didn't really care for my own condition, but seeing my dear sister in such pain, always suffering, made me desperate. So if the Golden Order couldn't save her, I would do it myself. And so, I took the matters into my own hands.

Haaah... but even then, there was no hope. No matter what I did, no matter how I approached the problem or tried to solve it, tried to get rid of the scarlet rot, I couldn't succeed. There was no hope of success within the Golden Order, I understood that after seeing that even the incantations I created myself didn't help her.

But I didn't give up. Giving up simply wasn't an option. If the Incantations of the Golden Order couldn't help her, I would use the sorceries of the Stars and the Moon."

"And that's where St Trina shows up." Alistair hummed, twirling Miquella's golden hair, making him hum as well :"That's right. You see, although she knew my intentions, Queen Marika prohibited us from learning sorceries. No matter how much I asked her, tried to reason with her or even begged her to allow me to learn Sorcery, she wouldn't be convinced.

She wouldn't allow me to go to the Academy of Raya Lucaria, and even when I told her that I didn't need to go there to learn, she wouldn't agree. She even stopped father from teaching me anything. But I wouldn't give up. I would find a way to cure my sister one way or another, even if that meant going against Queen Marika's words.

If Miquella the Kind wasn't allowed to learn the Sorceries of the Stars, then St Trina would take that role. It is how she came to be. I thought of splitting myself into two after finding out about father and Queen Marika's secret of being the same person.

I would stay in Leyndell, under the unsuspecting eyes of Queen Marika, while my "love" would go to learn Sorcery at the Academy of Raya Lucaria. And that's how St Trina, my "love," came to exist."

Alistair hummed curiously :"So it –was– like that. I had figured it out right then."

Miquella looked up curiously :"Hm? So you already knew? But I thought Trina's origins weren't explained in the game?"

"It wasn't. It's just the theory I came up with after diving into the plot. And the reason you separated "love" specifically was because you knew she would work as hard as she could, right? After all, you loved Malenia more than anybody else."

"Hahaha, that's right." He chuckled fondly, smiling at the memories of the beloved sister he hadn't met for so long, the person he missed oh so much :"Back then, for my plan to work, I needed to bring what I separated from myself to life.

If not, she would be just a piece of me that I threw away. But I didn't know what part of me to separate. I was skeptical. After all, I didn't know if the part that I would have separated would cooperate. The only living example of what I had in mind was father and Queen Marika. And even though they're not the same case as what I had planned, as you know, they weren't exactly very cooperative.

In fact, they rarely ever saw eye to eye. So it made me nervous and unsure. But I had to do it. I had to take the risk. But then I realized something. Instead of just separating a worthless or unneeded part of me, I would separate what I knew would work the hardest for our goal not because of my order, but because of its own free will even without me mentioning it.

That's how I separated my "love," which I knew would work harder than any part of me to save Malenia, the person I loved the most. And after separating my "love" from me, I gave her life, named her Trina, and gave the mission of finding a way to save Malenia through sorcery."

Remembering the times he spent with her, he couldn't help but chuckle fondly :"But to my surprise, she showed brilliant talent in sorcery. Especially in Sleep Sorceries. To the point where she was hailed as a Saint and even her own body, through her magic, grew powerful to the point of putting anybody into eternal sleep with just her bodily fluids."

Alistair snickered back :"Yeah, I know. I had to die to her "nectar" 6 times in the game."

Miquella laughed :"Then you know how amazing she is firsthand! But why 6 times? Hahahaha didn't you learn your lesson after dying for the first or second time?!"

The Tarnished rolled his eyes :"Ha ha ha, laugh it up. I had to, alright? I couldn't finish her quest otherwise. And honestly, now that I think about it, it's not just 6 times. Considering how I would finish every character's quest in the DLC in every run, including in every NG+, I've died to her more than...

Wait, wait, hold on. After starting a new game, I would always go until NG+7. And I have finished at least 4 accounts... so that means..." His eyes widened at the realization :"I have died to Trina about 200 times at least! She has literally killed me more than any boss in the game!"

"What?!" Miquella couldn't even make fun of him. That number was too shocking. Especially when imagining his sweet, loving Trina :"Wow... to think Trina of all people would kill you so many times. Just how determined were you to finish her quest to die to her so many times?"

"Well, it's not like I kept track or noticed! How would I know that dying to her a bunch of times would stack up to such a high death count! Seriously, she has literally killed me more times than any other boss! Not even Malenia or Promised Consort Radahn have killed me that many times! Not even when considering all the times I've died to them in every playthrough!"

His head slumped down onto the floor, looking up at the clear sky in disbelief :"Miq... I think you should have chosen St Trina as your consort instead of Radahn..."

The golden femboy rolled his eyes, smiling in amusement as he gently slapped his chest :"Alright, now you're just exaggerating it. You said it yourself, it needed to be done to complete the game."

"Well... haaah..." He sighed sadly :"I'm just in disbelief that a character who was an ally has killed me more than any boss there was. She can almost compete with my arch nemesis..."

Smiling at how cute his sad puppy face was, Miquella poked his cheek :"Oh? And who exactly is that?" Growing even more amused at how serious his face suddenly became :"Gravity. Fall damage. It was the single most awful feature in the game! Imagine killing gods and whatnot on a casual Saturday, but dying because you were off the ground for a little bit too long."

"Pfthahahaha!!" He couldn't hold it in anymore. He fell face first onto Alistair's arm, his intense laughter getting muffled by his muscles. The Tarnished's face twitched. But as annoying as it was, he couldn't help the way his heart melted at his beautiful laughter.

He rolled over again to pull Miquella into a hug. A tight one to make him stop laughing, but the golden beauty just kept on laughing :"Geez, stop laughing already! What's so funny about it anyway?"

He really was laughing way too hard. Even Alistair couldn't contain his smile in the end. He continued the sweet melody of his laughter as he pulled down the Tarnished's arm from his mouth, wiping the tears from his eyes as he tried to explain :"I-it's hahaha just too funny hehehehe! I- hahahaha I can't help but imagine your face, all smug after defeating a powerful enemy, freezing after tripping and falling down from a high place hahahahaha! Ahahahahahaha!!"

Alistair couldn't lie, it was actually pretty funny when thinking about it. It would definitely be like a cartoon scene as he stayed in the air for a second, made a confused face, before it turned into a deadpan as he began to fall. He had grown up with scenes like that in his favorite shows, after all.

But just because it was funny didn't mean it wasn't annoying. As his face twitched, he grinned mischievously :"You like to laugh, huh? Then let me give you something to laugh at!"

Miquella was confused, but his eyes grew wide in horror as Alistair's free hand moved to his slender waist :"W-wait! A-Alistair, wait- hyahahahaha!! N-nohohohohoho!! Ahahahahahaha stohahahahahap!!"

As the large hand pillowing his head before kept him in place, the Tarnished's mischievous fingers danced around his ticklish sides :"Hahahahaha!! L-love, pleahehehehehese!! Please, nohohohohoho!!"

He thrashed around in his consort's hold desperately, with as much power as he could muster :"Stohahahahahap!!" But unfortunately, with the way he was being tickled, that power wasn't much.

He could only thrash around desperately, wheezing as Alistair tickled him without a shred of mercy. As for the cruel Tarnished himself, he was having a blast. Miquella's normal laughter was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. And when it turned from light laughter to uncontrollable cackling like this? He didn't want to ever stop hearing it.

"A-Alistair, please! Pleahehehehehese, forgive mehehehehehehe!!" But the pleading eyes of his God Consort, with pretty tears at the corners, along with the way how desperately he fought for freedom from his cruel punishment, was doing a good job of convincing him :"Forgihihihihive mehehehehehehe!!"

In the end, he didn't have the heart to continue. He let go of his trembling and giggling husband with a smug smirk :"Fine, I guess I'll stop for now."

Miquella, while still giggling, gulped :"T-thank you, you m-mean lover." Trying his best to pull his smiling lips into a pout. But he froze when he saw the mischievous glint return to Alistair's eyes :"Oh~? So I'm mean, huh?"

"H-huh? N-no, you're right." He tried to crawl away with a nervous smile, but the arm that locked him in place again made him sweat :"Y-you're not mean at all! M-my beloved consort i-is the kindest person ever!"

"Sorry, Miq, no take backs!" The golden femboy keened as this time, Alistair grabbed his wrists with one hand, got on top of him, and pinned down his arms above him :"N-no! A-Alistair, p-please, no, wait- HAHAHAHAHA!" And immediately attacked his most ticklish spots, his armpits. Leaving him a howling mess.