168-They Won, But At What Cost?


Lamar, Penn, and I had chosen to wear black tracksuits. Everyone was offered a color theme, and we picked the pure black ones with only a red cross on our shoulders.

The other teams had already performed, and they did terribly. I arrived at the ground with hopes that the test wouldn't be so difficult. But as the first three teams were beaten to a pulp by the monster, my confidence started to shake.

Kaye had been inspecting the whole test very thoroughly. He was making sure to let the warriors step in and save the students once they gave up on the test.

Once the students realized they could no longer continue, they would release a gas bomb matching their tracksuits on the ground.

There were three cages--long, cylindrical ones that stretched across the entire ground.

"Are you okay?" Penn slipped closer to whisper in my ear.