Mia's arrival in Orlando was marked by a sense of resignation. The bustling city of Miami, with its bright lights and vibrant energy, was now a painful memory. She stepped out of the bus station, her few belongings packed into a worn duffel bag. The warm, humid air of Orlando was a stark contrast to the cooler breeze of Miami, but it offered no comfort.

She took a deep breath and headed towards her grandmother's house. The journey had been long and exhausting, and the uncertainty of what lay ahead weighed heavily on her shoulders. As she walked through the quiet streets of the suburban neighborhood, the serenity was almost oppressive.

Mia reached her grandmother's modest home, a small, aging house on the edge of the neighborhood. The house had seen better days, with faded paint and overgrown bushes in the front yard. The door creaked open as Mia stepped inside, greeted by the familiar, comforting scent of old books and well-worn furniture.

"Grandma?" Mia called out, her voice trembling with exhaustion and fear.

Her grandmother, an elderly woman with silver hair and a kind face, appeared from the kitchen. She looked up with a mix of surprise and concern. "Mia! Is that you, dear?"

Mia's eyes filled with tears as she embraced her grandmother. "Yes, Grandma. It's me."

Her grandmother's arms enveloped her in a warm hug. "Oh, Mia, it's so good to see you. But you look so tired. Come, let's get you settled."

They moved to the small living room, where an old, threadbare sofa sat against the wall. Mia sank into it with a sigh, her body aching from the long trip.

"Tell me what happened," her grandmother said gently, her eyes full of concern.

Mia took a deep breath, her voice shaky as she began to recount her recent struggles. "I dropped out of college, Grandma. I couldn't afford it anymore. And then… I found out I'm pregnant."

Her grandmother's eyes widened in shock. "Oh, dear. That must be so hard."

Mia nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I tried to find Alexander Knight, but he's impossible to reach. I went to his office, but they wouldn't let me see him. I feel so lost."

Her grandmother patted her hand sympathetically. "I'm so sorry, Mia. I wish there was something more I could do."

Over the next few days, Mia and her grandmother tried to establish a new routine. Mia's grandmother, though frail and struggling with her own health issues, did her best to provide comfort and support. The small house was modest but welcoming, with its creaky floorboards and faded wallpaper offering a sense of home.

Mia found solace in the simple tasks of everyday life. She helped her grandmother with chores, cooking, and cleaning, finding a small measure of peace in these routine activities. Yet, the weight of her pregnancy and the uncertainty of her future loomed large.

One morning, Mia visited the local clinic for a check-up. The clinic was a small, dingy building, a stark contrast to the luxurious healthcare facilities she had once known. As she waited for her appointment, she could feel the eyes of others in the waiting room. The whispers and sideways glances only heightened her sense of humiliation.

When her name was finally called, she followed the nurse into the examination room, her heart pounding with anxiety. The doctor, a middle-aged man with kind eyes, greeted her.

"Hello, Mia. How are you feeling?" he asked as he reviewed her medical records.

"Just anxious," Mia admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm worried about everything."

The doctor nodded sympathetically. "I understand. Let's check on the baby and make sure everything is going well."

The examination was brief but thorough. As the doctor reviewed the results, Mia's emotions were a tangled mess of hope and fear.

Returning home, Mia found her grandmother waiting anxiously. "How did it go, dear?"

"It went fine," Mia said, trying to sound positive. "The baby is healthy, but I'm still worried about everything else."

Her grandmother nodded, her eyes filled with concern. "I know it's tough, but we'll get through this. We have each other."

Mia appreciated the comfort, though the weight of her situation remained heavy. She felt trapped between her past dreams and her current reality, struggling to find a way forward.

As days passed, the reality of her situation continued to sink in. One evening, as Mia sat alone in her small room, she found herself lost in thought. The walls seemed to close in on her, the dim lighting casting long shadows.

The silence was broken by the sound of a letter slipping through the mail slot. Mia picked it up, her heart sinking as she recognized the return address. It was from Knight Enterprises.

She opened the envelope with trembling hands. Inside was a brief letter from Alexander's lawyer, officially denying any responsibility and stating that Alexander had no obligation to provide support.

Mia's eyes filled with tears as she read the letter. "So, this is it," she murmured, her voice cracking. "I'm truly alone."

Despite the crushing blow, Mia knew she had to keep moving forward. The pain of rejection and the weight of her responsibilities felt overwhelming, but she couldn't give up. Her grandmother's support and the small comforts of their home were her anchors.

One evening, as she sat with her grandmother, Mia spoke with resolve. "I'm going to make this work. I have to. For the baby."

Her grandmother took her hand, squeezing it gently. "You're stronger than you think, Mia. We'll get through this together."

As the days turned into weeks, Mia continued to adjust to her new life. The challenges were numerous, but the support of her grandmother and her own determination kept her going. Each day was a struggle, but Mia refused to let her circumstances define her.

Mia's journey was far from over, but she began to find small moments of hope amidst the hardship. She started looking for part-time work to contribute to the household, hoping to regain some sense of independence. Her grandmother's stories and advice provided guidance, and the simple routines of daily life helped her stay grounded.

Though her future remained uncertain, Mia faced it with newfound strength. The pain of her past and the challenges of her present were constant, but she was determined to create a better future for herself and her child.

As she prepared for the days ahead, Mia knew that while the road would be difficult, she was not alone. With her grandmother's support and her own inner strength, she was ready to face whatever came her way.