
Hatake Kakashi couldn't help but take a deep breath when he considered that Kamisato Tsukishima had already reached the level of an Elite Jōnin before the age of thirteen.

Kakashi himself was a recognized genius, known throughout the ninja world, having become a Jōnin at the age of twelve. However, while the gap between Jōnin and Elite Jōnin seems small in name, only those who have reached the level of Elite Jōnin truly understand how vast the difference is.

This gap could be summed up in four simple words: one in a hundred.

The ratio of Konoha Jōnin to Elite Jōnin is approximately 100:1, making Elite Jōnin exceedingly rare. Even Kakashi, who had become a Jōnin at twelve, took nearly a decade to advance from Jōnin to Elite Jōnin. Of course, part of that was due to the unique experiences he went through.

But no matter what, the fact that Kamisato Tsukishima had reached the level of Elite Jōnin before the age of thirteen was beyond extraordinary.

"No wonder the village sent Anbu to monitor this mission. It's because of him," Kakashi thought.

Looking at the group of Anbu, including Uzuki Yugao, who were watching the battle but not engaging, Kakashi realized that they were here to observe Kamisato Tsukishima's growth. The mission's true purpose wasn't just to protect Tazuna but also to allow Tsukishima to develop.

"It's a rare opportunity to use a renowned Elite Jōnin like Zabuza as a training opponent," Kakashi muttered.

Kamisato Tsukishima, however, was focused solely on the fight. He wielded his blade skillfully, using Zabuza as a way to sharpen his own swordsmanship.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Blades collided, and Kamisato Tsukishima moved swiftly, delivering a cut across Zabuza's chest. Zabuza jumped back to gain some distance, but blood was already seeping from the wound.

"Zabuza-sama!" Haku cried out, concerned.

"I'm fine," Zabuza growled, though it was obvious that the injury was serious.

Despite his injury, Zabuza wouldn't show weakness in front of Haku. He formed a hand sign.

"Water Style: Hidden Mist Jutsu!"

Fog spread rapidly across the battlefield, enveloping everyone. Within seconds, the thick mist made it impossible to see, creating the perfect cover for Zabuza.

"Is he planning to use his Silent Killing technique in the mist? I'll sense his position!" one of the Anbu, Hiashi, said, preparing to activate a sensory jutsu. Another, Ishina Ida, was ready to step in and assist Tsukishima.

"No," Kakashi interrupted calmly. "Zabuza's not looking to kill. He's trying to escape."

In the mist, Kamisato Tsukishima smirked, instantly understanding Zabuza's plan.

"You're not getting away," Tsukishima muttered.

He quickly formed a hand sign, his movements swift and deliberate.

"Wind Style: Gale Palm!"

Suddenly, a powerful wind swept through the battlefield, cutting through the dense mist. The fog that Zabuza had created dissipated in an instant, revealing both Zabuza and Haku's figures.

"What a powerful Wind Style jutsu," Kakashi said, his eyes wide. He had thought Tsukishima was only skilled in taijutsu and kenjutsu, but his proficiency in ninjutsu was unexpectedly high. The level of control and power in the jutsu was something even veteran Jōnin would find difficult to replicate.

Before Kakashi could fully process the thought, Tsukishima was already on the move again, forming another quick hand sign.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!"

A massive fireball shot out of Tsukishima's mouth, its heat causing everyone nearby to feel the intense warmth. Zabuza and Haku had no choice but to dodge, leaping into the air to avoid being scorched.

However, that was exactly what Tsukishima had been waiting for. With them airborne, Tsukishima threw a kunai. Zabuza, falling from his jump, saw the kunai coming and swung his Executioner's Blade to deflect it.

But that was a feint.

Two kunai, which seemed to have missed their mark, clanged against each other midair, redirecting one of them straight towards Zabuza's back.

It was too close, and Zabuza had no time to react.


The sound of kunai piercing flesh echoed. But when Zabuza landed, he found that it wasn't his body that had been struck.

"Haku!" Zabuza yelled.

Haku had intercepted the kunai with his own body, taking the hit meant for Zabuza. Blood poured from the wound in Haku's abdomen, staining the ground beneath him.

Haku's breathing was labored, but he managed to speak, "I... I'm sorry... I couldn't..."

Zabuza's eyes filled with rage and sorrow as he realized that Haku had sacrificed himself to save him. His loyal companion, who had always been by his side, was now gravely injured.

From the sidelines, Kakashi narrowed his eyes, recognizing the technique Tsukishima had just used.

"Uchiha... This kunai-throwing technique... I didn't expect to see it again."

It was a skill he had seen before, one used by his former comrade, Uchiha Itachi. Kakashi had thought that the next time he would see such a technique would be in battle with Itachi, not from someone like Tsukishima.

Even Sasuke, who was watching from a distance, widened his Sharingan-filled eyes in disbelief.

(End of the Chapter).