Seven Gangsters

Shanazer had started walking toward the glass booth when Olivia shouted, 'Shanazer!' She turned to look at Olivia, who smiled at her and spoke, 'I wish you all the best, my fingers are crossed.'

All the people in the queue flashed their eyes at Shanazer, she blushed, then smiled, 'Thanks Oli!' She proceeded to the glass booth to the right of the gate which was transparent, tinted, so you couldn't see the person inside. Shanazer only saw people enter the booth when they were called and, a few minutes later, come out. Now it was her turn.

'Some people should know their place, see how pathetic she looks and thinks she can be hired at OxyamCorp? How disgusting! She does not have class.' A brilliant young man in his twenties murmured to his colleague.

'Yep, she is just very inconveniencing.' Commented the friend.

Shanazer heard them but chose to ignore them as she walked forward to the booth, carefully taking note of every detail in her way, for to her nothing was offered that easily. She was convinced that there must be a catch. Therefore, she had to trade carefully. She had learned this at an early age. The moment she reached closer to the booth door, it automatically slid open. She stepped in, and turned to look behind, just to see it close automatically, right away.

'Put your hand on the hand scanner.' An automated voice like the one outside stated, Shanazer screened the place with watchful eyes, moved two steps to the right. There was a bright gray computer board with an illustration of a hand on its screen with green lines which came out like veins. It was obvious the scanner. It was easy to recognize because it had four fingers and a thumb. Shanazer pressed her hand on it, instantly it lit up, there rang a ding sound. 'What is your name?' The automated voice asked, 'Shanazer Athens.' The automated voice went on, 'State your age?' Shanazer swallowed her saliva, before a word came out, 'sixteen.' The automated voice kept on going, 'Are you married?' Shanazer was at easy, talking to a machine in every respect is uncomplicated. 'No.' Shanazer answered. 'What is your profession?' The automated voice followed up with an interesting question, Shanazer was now more comfortable and felt at home. It's the simplest interview ever, she thought. And gave an answer in her assertive outstanding tone, 'Information Technology and electronic engineering.'

The government had a database for all the humans in each town. Every achievement is recorded in the system. There was a ding-dong sound on the left. She turned to see what was going on. A shelf opened at the same level as her belly. And there was what looked like a wristwatch inside. It was black, with a silver glass on it and had just one button. It was very eye-catching. The automated voice proceeded, 'Please pick up the Fintrech and put it on. You will receive information later on to notify you whether you have been accepted or not. You can open the door and exit.' There was another green button near the door to the right. Shanazer walked four steps and reached the door. She pushed the green button, the door slid open, and she then walked out of the booth. The moment she stepped outside, she was received with a warm welcome by her favorite sister Olivia, who looked at Shanazer's face inquisitively, but got nothing. Finally, she asked, 'How did it go?' Shanazer's registration had not been completed yet. Therefore, she wasn't sure of how to take it out, and it took her a while to respond. 'Huh, they gave me a Fintrech, they will reach out to me and let me know if I have been accepted at OxyamCorp or not?' Olivia, as usual, was full of confidence and vigor, 'You will absolutely get accepted, let me see the Fintrech?' Olivia requested and Shanazer gave her left hand, when she saw the Fintrech her eyes glowed, 'My goodness you have been employed, only employees of OxyamCorp can have this!' Olivia exclaimed which caused Shanazer to blushed, she did not know how to express herself, she only crossed her fingers and hoped for the best. Olivia gazed at her friend, Shanazer, who also gazed back. Smiles flashed out from both parties, as tiredness consumed them, most of their businesses were successful. Shanazer broke the silence, 'Let's go home my friend.' Shanazer couldn't agree more. 'Yes, sister, let's go!' They set off on their way home.

As they walked home, they used an alley, trying to shorten the journey. Seven gangsters appeared from an old building with no roof on top, blocked their path, preventing them going further, and surrounded the two girls, one of them with a huge body, with a thousand tattoos, and scars all-over, opened his mouth. 'Hey, girls, if you value your life give us your v card, your shoes, and that watch on your wrists,' implying the Fintrech, Shanazer was startled, how could she lose her only hope of changing her life?

Shanazer and Olivia looked at each other. They automatically knew that things had turned sour, 'Our father is in the Army, so if you value your lives, don't even try to touch a single hair on our bodies, I have already contacted him?' Threatened Olivia.

The seven gangsters burst into hysterical laughter, one of them mimicked Olivia, 'Our father is in the Army, we don't give a damn who your father is, just comply with our request, or we will toy with your bodies!' He then licked his lips with a sharp long red tongue. Olivia was so scared, however, Shanazer had a unique confidence that came from within that they were going to survive the unforeseen circumstance.

Shanazer put on a mischievous smile, 'Well, if you want all that stuff you will have to get it from my dead body.'

Olivia nagged Shanazer, 'What are you doing?' She whispered and continued, 'You are going to piss them off!' Her voice was full of nervousness as her entire body trembled violently.

Shanazer looked at Olivia with a cute smile, 'Don't worry, I know what I am doing.' Shanazer assured her friend, 'And by the way, this is the Fintrech and not a wristwatch.' She mocked them, while flashing a sinister smile at the gang. One of the Gangsters moved two steps behind. For unknown reasons, he could feel the pressure coming from the girl with dark curly hair with a sinister smile.

The gang member who stood afar, drew closer, must have been their boss, frowned and looked at the two girls disdainfully, with evil growing eyes. He could be the ugliest person Shanazer had ever seen in her entire life, having two big knives in her hands. 'Guys! If she has a Fintrech on her wrist, it means she is coming from a rich family. Gentlemen, you know what to do!' He gave the go-ahead signal.

One gang member moved forward, while steadily weighing the two girls in order to find a weak spot to hit. Shanazer prepared herself to fight, 'Oli stay behind me!' The gang rushed forward with great speed, aiming to strike Shanazer on the head with his steel bar. Shanazer dodged the incoming strike with a single back step. The gang leaped up and threw another strong blow, aimed at striking her shoulder. It came at unavoidable speed, the sound of the wind clearly whistled as the steel bar flew, its movement unseen to the ordinary eye. Olivia closed her eyes.

It was about to land on Shanazer's right-hand shoulder when she swiftly twisted her flexible body in a diagonally vertical shape and the well-belted man missed and Shanazer gave a counterattack of a fist which hit the well-belted man in the lungs, causing him to fall right away and collapsed.

 'You brat!' Yelled another gang as he rushed with incredible speed and leaped in the sky with a flying kick, centered at Shanazer's chest, she ducked and thrust a punch him onto his male sensitive part and he screamed. 'Howl!' He fell down and held his male part with two hands, rolling on the ground.

The boss became furious, 'You guys, come on, can you do better?' He encouraged his crew, which became voracious.

'Who does this loser think she is? Get her!' Commanded their boss. The four remaining gangsters attacked all at once, their eyes shone brightly with killing intent, their veins budged out. Shanazer kept dodging all their strikes and attacks. It was the easiest thing for her, because it was flowing naturally. She was definitely having fun.

When the gangsters had exhausted all their strength, and were breathing heavily, Shanazer called out to their boss, 'Are you going to join in the fun or what?' He looked at Shanazer, with fearful eyes, nodding his head to express a no. He knew that Shanazer was not his match because he had strong and trained guys on his crew, stronger than him, he was their boss because of the order of seniority. 'Stand down, there is no point in trying to fight her when you can do nothing.' They withdrew carrying the two injured men with them. Shanazer was filled with uncontrollable laughter, as she watched the gang slowly walk away.

Olivia could not believe it. To her, it was like she was watching a movie, 'Shanazer, did that just happen? How did you do it?' 

'I don't know, I just combined what Tairen taught me and what I saw in a movie and I applied it.' To be honest, she wasn't sure herself.

About one hour thirty minutes, Shanazer was at her place. She sat on her stool, she breathed in and out. Relaxing her tensed body, feeling every inch and its muscles. The replay of the day's scene went on. As she muttered to herself, 'What an eventful day it has been. Where should I start from? I have to start from the beginning. The system, huh, my helper? I don't understand any of that stuff. Maybe I was just hallucinating, no need to worry, it felt so real.' She chuckled loudly. 'OK, forget about that. Let me get familiar with Fintrech. It has only one button.' Shanazer pressed the button on the Fintrech and it brought a Hologram display. This exhilarated Shanazer, 'Wow! Her heart leaped with joy, 'This is interesting.' she remarked. 

The Hologram was just the same as the one they saw in every town and compound. Its display was like that of an iPhone. She looked at time. It was three o'clock A M in the morning. I should get a bit of rest. My life now is full of stuff I need to understand. It wouldn't hurt to have a bit of rest. She thought, as she was about to get into bed, the Fintrech beeped two times, with a blinking blue light. The Hologram display turned on, and a well refined, elegantly dressed beautiful woman appeared on the display. The woman articulated, 'Hello Shanazer? I am here to inform you that you have been accepted at OxyamCorp Base One. You will begin your probation on the twenty-eighth of May. You can check out the contract form right on the Displaywatch Hologram. Please take your time to go through the contract thoroughly. It is vital you understand it before you sign it. Thank you so much for your cooperation. Have a great day.' Shanazer waited for the Hologram to turn off. The moment the Hologram turned off. Shanazer jumped up, began dancing and jumping up with great excitement. She shouted with all her strength and mighty, 'Great! I did it. Thank you so much mother Universe for remembering me! I am definitely blessed.' She laughed joyously. When she exhausted all her energy in laughter, she came to a standstill. She whispered loudly, 'Am I going to take a rest today? It looks like things keep piling up.' She paused and gave some thoughts to what she had just said, she then rebuked herself, 'Don't complain, instead be grateful. I am happy about the new turn of events. Let me just have a little rest and I will come back to all this some time later. Well, I am grateful for everything happening to me. It is an honor and privilege. I can't wait to see what comes next. It's like I am dreaming. And please, don't wake me up.' Shanazer finally slept peacefully. 

'GOOD MORNING SHANAZER?' The system's voice sounded in her head. Shanazer was aroused, and she jumped off her bed as if she wasn't fast asleep. She looked everywhere in the room, but she couldn't see the person who had just awakened her from her deep sleep. She squatted down and twisted her body and head to check under her bed, still nothing. She flipped the bedding, there was nothing. 'I did hear a voice, right?' She asked herself. 'Am I getting crazy?'