Asking For The Number

'I thought you should know, Are you not the one who taught her some martial arts?' Confronted Anna with anger in her voice.

'I only taught her defensive moves and very basic. I don't think that would make her compete with a worldwide young generation forerunner champion?' Tairen Exon said in fear and surprise.

He paused and then commenced, 'We should go talk her out of it, immediately, or she will get injured badly.' 

'I suppose we should. Is her brain functioning alright?' Tairen just shook his head and added no comment.

Inside Williams manor, Donarvin Williams came down from his Library, on the second floor, holding a phone in his hand.

'Cathy -, why - didn't - you - tell - me - that - you - were - having - a - duel and - who - is - this - Shanazer?' Donarvin inquired, with his stammering tone.

Cathy turned to look at her father. When he saw her face, his jaw dropped.

'Oh - no - ! What - happened - to - your - face? Who - did - this - to - you? - Tell - me - immediately?' Dornavin demanded boldly, his temper flaming at the speed of light.

'It's Shanazer, dad, but don't worry, I will deal with her in the arena.'

'Cathy - ! How - did - this - happen - ?'

'She sneak attacked me, and now I want to publicly destroy her and set her as an example, so that no one should mess with our family in the future.' Explained Cathy. 

'Are - you - sure - you - will - win, - Cathy? - Don't - embarrass - me? The - whole - Veena - city - will - be watching.'

'Dad, she is just a poor loser at our campus with no one to support her. It's a piece of cake.' Cathy then smiled broadly.

'That - means - you - don't - want - me - to intervene -right?'

'Let me do this myself, dad?'

'OK -, let - me - know - if - you - change - your - mind - and - call - me - when - dinner - is - ready, - I - will - be - in - my - study - room.'

'OK,' said Cathy, and continued doing her business in the kitchen.

At Sensation Blue Hotel, Xander was in his office sitting. His mind raced with countless thoughts until the thought of Shanazer occupied him, in the process, calmed him down. He continued entertaining the images. 

Hey Shanazer, will you come over tonight? It's already eighteen hours. I did not even ask for your number? I thought of asking you, but I was very shy and timid. But the next time you come around I will gather my courage and ask. I miss your energy, the deep sensation you left in my head. I can't run away from it, my thoughts are already stained with your images. I now think about you more than anything else during the day or at night. A thought of you gives me peace even when I am in a strenuous situation. If I were an artist, I would paint a thousand portraits of your wonderful face, hang them around my bedroom and office. There is nothing more I desire than you. 

His body was now full of goose bumps. 'Wow! Just a few thoughts of Shanazer leave me with goose bumps.' He muttered to himself.

Xander's phone vibrated. He picked it up and placed the answer option, 'Hey dude! Did you check out your social media?' Asked Cornsmart.

'What's there, Cornsmart?'

'Dude, there will be a duel at Horizon University campus arena this weekend.'

'Who are the fighters involved?' Asked Xander.

'It's Cathy Williams, the famous forerunner of the young generation championship and unknown girl called Sha -na -zer? We should go check it out. Cathy is so good, I suppose it will be fun.' 

Xander had already stopped listening the moment he heard about Shanazer. He straight away went on to check his Brinknet social account.

His phone rung again.

'Hello, mother!'

'Have you seen the news?' Asked Mrs Blake.

'No, mother, I am checking my Brinknet right now.' 

Outside Sensation Blue Hotel stood Shanazer and Olivia. Last night, after getting paid by Mrs Blake, Shanazer pushed herself to purchase a smartphone. The purpose was to get Xander's number and keep in touch with him.

Olivia asks the security guard to call Miss Emily Granger on behalf of them. A few minutes later, Miss Emily Granger came over. She was in a lively mood, full of joy as she stretched her hand for a handshake with Shanazer, 'How are you?' Miss Emily saluted. Shanazer stood up while her hand stretched to grab Miss Emily Granger's hand.

'I am fine, and how are you?' A still serene calm atmosphere filled the air.

Emily Granger uttered while still shaking hands, 'I am fine, and it's lovely to see you again.' Commented Miss Emily Granger.

'It's lovely to see you too.' Shanazer replied.

Miss Emily Granger shifted her eyes to Olivia and greeted her, but not with the same enthusiasm she had displayed for Shanazer. Miss Emily Granger remembered their reason for coming. She needed to take them to the new restaurant where Levy works.

'Oh, I will go and ask for transport for you from Xander since Mrs Blake is not around.' Miss Emily Granger said.

'Yes, Miss Emily!' Olivia jumped in happily.

Mrs Emily Granger glared at her with mischievous eyes. Then she turned and walked to the hotel entrance. Five minutes later, Miss Emily came back.

'Xander will sort you out, you can now go into his office.' Shanazer's eyes observed Miss Emily's mood, which had shifted from lively to gloomy. There is no doubt she wasn't satisfied with the end results. 

Did she want to escort us? Olivia knows the place. On the positive side, I will now meet Xander. Great! Gather your courage, Shanazer, and ask for his number. It shouldn't be difficult if you are as smart as you think? Shanazer comforted herself.

Olivia interrupted her trend of thought, 'Shanazer let's go?' 

'Yes, sure' Shanazer uttered, 'thank you so much, miss Emily Granger.'

'You are welcome, Shanazer.' It did not help Miss Emily's body tension much, but it relaxed her a bit. Shanazer followed after Olivia. 

'Come in?' An enchanting male voice welcomed them. After waiting in anticipated prior to the knock.

Xander had just finished making up his hair and his body posture. Olivia walked in first, while Shanazer followed right behind.

'Hello Olivia.' Said Xander. Olivia swallowed her saliva before replying, 'hello Xander!' A smile broke from Olivia.

Xander's eyes switched to Shanazer very quickly, who also couldn't take her eyes off from him. When the two eyes collided, both parties felt a strong sensation and connection. Xander felt he was being engulfed by Shanazer's eyes, so he moved his eyes away onto his laptop as his voice came out hastily, 'how are you Shanazer?' 

Shanazer put on her deadly smile that charmed people, 'I am very well, Xander and how are you?'

'I am fine.' As he smiled harmoniously.

Xander wanted to ask Shanazer about the duel, but decided to let it slide and gave the two girls transport money. 

'Well, I am asking for your number in case I need you to repair something here when you are not around?' Said Xander awkwardly.

Shanazer gave a genuine smile before answering. Her mind questioning. Why did it take you this long? See, it wasn't that hard. I want yours as well. But I won't get it now. I will wait for your call or text. 'Sure!' Shanazer came out with confidence which Xander didn't expect.

Inside Grandemadena's House. 

Auntie Freya was comfortably seated on her maroon leather sofa, deep in thoughts. 

I must get into Shanazer's good books. Marrying Vincent to Shanazer is definitely the only way to secure the future of this family. If the family has someone from OxyamCorp, our family will be safe and strong. An early bird catches the early worm. I hope that Vincent can understand my intentions, and most importantly, we will never lack oxygen and money. Auntie Freya thought.

'Vincent!' Auntie Freya called with the voice of a person in a hurry,

The moment Vincent heard Auntie Freya's voice, he frowned.

 Not again? Why now of all the things? I need a break and rest.

'Vincent!' Auntie Freya yelled, raising her angry voice.

'Auntie, what is it? I am tired, and I need to rest.' Finally, he responded in a lazy, rousing way and that made Auntie Freya even more furious.

'Don't make me follow you there or call again?' Threatened Auntie Freya. She was fuming, vibrating with rage and anger.

Vincent relentlessly gave up his resistance and dragged his tired body to the living room, looking at Auntie Freya with curiosity. Auntie Freya only made a gesture with her right hand that told him to come close. Unwillingly, holding his left elbow with the right hand, dragging his legs on the ground and not knowing what fired the temper in Auntie Freya, 'Sit next to me!' Commanded Auntie Freya.