Vol. 1 / CH. 1 - Part 2

In a grand southern kingdom known as Albion, the faith in the 13 Great Gods, revered as The Sacred Gods, stands as the very foundation of the kingdom's religion and way of life. The opulent palace gleams with grandeur, its luxurious ornaments and treasures bathed in hues of blue and light blue, a reflection of the kingdom's emblematic colours.

Within the vast and awe-inspiring Cathedral of Albion, 13 statues of The Sacred Gods form a circle around the chamber where the cathedral's highest authorities convene. Today, the hall is occupied by a single figure—an elderly man who commands the utmost respect across all of Albion.

Bent with age, this venerable man is likely well past his seventies, perhaps even into his eighties. Clad entirely in white, adorned with light blue motifs, and crowned with a large matching hat, he exudes an aura of serene authority. He is the Archbishop of Albion's Cathedral, but is more widely known as the Father of Albion, a title that resonates with a reverence surpassing even that of the King of Albion himself.

In the dim light of Albion's Royal Cathedral, an elderly man stood, radiating an aura of nobility and unwavering resolve. Lucius, the revered Archbishop of the Kingdom of Albion, embodied a presence that exuded wisdom and grandeur.

His advanced age, likely spanning seventy to eighty years, was etched in the fine lines that adorned his face, yet his sharp, wise eyes retained the vibrant gleam of life. Clad in robes of pure white, symbolizing sanctity, with light blue motifs that evoked tranquillity, Lucius was a living emblem of peace and justice.

The large hat he wore, matching the elegance of his attire, added a touch of grace to his dignified appearance. Every step he took was measured with certainty and authority, a reflection of his vital role in upholding the kingdom's moral compass and wisdom.

Though time had weathered his body, his presence still commanded an undeniable strength. His deep, penetrating gaze could pierce the soul of anyone bold enough to meet his eyes. As a pivotal figure within the kingdom's power structure, Lucius stood not just as a symbol of courage and justice, but as the very embodiment of wisdom, revered by all who dwelled within Albion's borders.

At this moment, his gaze rested upon one of the statues of The Sacred Gods situated in the central corner of the Cathedral, his eyes brimming with deep admiration and reverence. Yet, beneath the mask of awe, a profound unease was silently brewing.

Sweat began to bead on his furrowed brow, but it wasn't the reverence that was most apparent—it was the anxiety and fear that crept across his features. Was it his deep reverence, or perhaps an overwhelming fear, that stirred this restlessness?

The answer was clear: it was his fear.

"Great Gods, guide your servant. A grave threat looms over this world," he murmured with unease, his eyes fixed on the towering statues that represented the Gods' divine presence.

Just then, a man entered the room through the grand cathedral doors. The resounding echo of the doors opening and closing drew Archbishop Lucius's attention away from his thoughts.

Lucius reached for the sacred tome resting on his chair and turned to face the man who had just arrived.

"You summoned me, Father?" the man inquired.

"Gillbert," the Archbishop called out, pointing toward him.

The man was Gillbert.

Gillbert, known within the Cathedral and the Palace as the covert operative of Albion's Grand Cathedral, was a paragon of reliability. As a spy, assassin, and third-tier Magic Caster, he was the top choice for carrying out the Cathedral's most secretive missions. He had never once failed in his tasks.

In his thirties, Gillbert possessed a physique that spoke of both strength and agility. His short blonde hair was meticulously slicked back, complementing his attire—a hybrid of a Magic Caster's robe and an assassin's garb. Despite its considerable appearance, his outfit allowed for nimble movements, even in the most arduous of missions. His uniform, white with blue accents, reflected his unwavering loyalty to the kingdom. His piercing blue eyes, cold and unfeeling, seemed accustomed to witnessing death.

With utmost respect, Gillbert knelt before Archbishop Lucius, demonstrating profound courtesy.

"You always arrive precisely when summoned, Gillbert," Archbishop Lucius remarked with a note of appreciation.

"You flatter me too much, Father. For those of us who seek guidance from The Sacred Gods and from you, responding to a call from our leaders is a duty," Gillbert replied with humility.

"First, I must express my gratitude, Gillbert. You have set aside your important matters just to meet with me."

"No thanks are necessary, Father. I am not worthy of your praise. Fulfilling your summons and setting aside my duties is simply my obligation," Gillbert answered with conviction.



The Archbishop's murmuring startled and unsettled Gillbert. "Is something amiss, or is Father Albion troubled?" Gillbert wondered inwardly.

"Father, what's wrong? Is something troubling you? Please, tell me—Gillbert will dispel your worries in an instant," he urged, his concern evident.

"No, there's nothing wrong. I would be lying if I said otherwise," Archbishop Lucius replied, striving to reassure Gillbert.

"Hmph!? Father, what is happening? Is there something that has upset you?"

Gillbert, initially just worried for the Archbishop, now felt a rising panic at the sight of Lucius's distress.

The Archbishop's troubled expression conveyed profound anxiety, while Gillbert's face reflected his growing concern and panic, accentuated by the cold sweat that drenched his brow.

Gillbert's body shook, struggling to maintain his kneeling position before the Archbishop, yet he forced himself to remain composed and respectful in the presence of the esteemed figure.

"Gillbert," Archbishop Lucius called, his voice grave.

"Yes, Father," Gillbert responded, attentive and ready.

"A great threat is looming over this world," Archbishop Lucius revealed.

"A—A great threat?" Gillbert's shock was palpable.

"I have sensed an immense power emanating from Peaceful Valley. That symbol… The power is so overwhelming, it seems to embody destruction itself—on par with Bahamut, the mightiest Mythical Monster! The people are terrified, as if facing true death! This power exceeds even that of The Sacred Gods," Archbishop Lucius explained, his voice filled with fear.

"I—it's impossible!? That mysterious symbol!? No power can surpass that of the Gods! I refuse to believe it! Forgive me, Father, but I cannot accept that anything could surpass the Sacred Gods!" Gillbert protested vehemently.

"Your devotion to the Gods is admirable, but…" Archbishop Lucius paused, his face etched with deep concern.


"But, Gillbert, we cannot deny the reality…"

The Archbishop's words pierced Gillbert's heart. His eyes widened as cold sweat turned into a hot, agitated perspiration. Overwhelmed with emotion, Gillbert found it impossible to accept the reality. To him, only The Sacred Gods held absolute power in the world. He even dismissed the existence of The Great One of the Heaven, the legendary leader and the mightiest of the Gods from the mythical era thousands of years ago.


"What is it, Gillbert?"

"Allow me to go to Peaceful Valley and see this mysterious symbol with my own eyes!"


"That symbol is audacious! It's nothing compared to the Sacred Gods, yet it dares to claim superiority over them! This is intolerable! I refuse to accept its existence!"


"No one can surpass the Sacred Gods! You know that, Father! The Sacred Gods are the strongest and invincible in this world! That is the truth!"


The Archbishop's roar cut through Gillbert's fervent outburst. He realized he had once again crossed the line. Gillbert often lost control, particularly when it came to discussing the deities he worshipped and revered.

Losing control within their faith was a grave sin, as was denying reality. Gillbert realized he had violated two fundamental principles of his religion, accumulating two major sins in a single moment. Again.

"F-Forgive me, Father. I've made the same mistake once more. I keep compounding my sins. If this continues, I will only seem like someone who trifles with faith and conviction—sinning, repenting, and sinning again. It is truly shameful and fills me with self-loathing."

"Enough, Gillbert! I understand your feelings and the reasons behind your reactions. But for this instance, Gillbert…"

"Yes, Father?"

"Though you may have lost control due to your emotions, never attempt to escape reality indefinitely. Such actions not only endanger yourself but also all beings in this world. Reality is the most tangible proof in existence. Do you understand?"

"I-I understand, Father. I beg for your forgiveness once more." Gillbert bowed deeply, earnestly seeking Archbishop Lucius's forgiveness.

"For now, I will forgive your lapse in control," Archbishop Lucius said. "However, the burden of sins against reality will be yours to bear, as you have admitted."

"Understood, Father. Thank you."

"That's precisely why I summoned you, Gillbert."

"Is this an assignment, Father? What task will you give me? I am ready to undertake any challenge you set before me."

"From the beginning, and from your previous words, it is already clear, Gillbert." Archbishop Lucius lifted their holy book and gestured toward it, as Gillbert bowed his head, prepared to receive the task assigned by the Archbishop.

"Gillbert, The Reaper of Albion, I am assigning you a mission of utmost secrecy. Proceed to Peaceful Valley and investigate the source of the emerging power there. Examine the mysterious symbol with great care. Conduct your investigation with vigilance. Above all, return safely. Failure is acceptable. Killing is prohibited. Most importantly, ensure your safe return. That is all."

"Understood, Father. I, Gillbert, The Reaper of Albion, will carry out this mission with complete dedication as commanded. I will also atone for my sins. I will not disappoint you. I swear by the name of The Sacred Gods that I will not fail."

"Good. Now, stand."

"Very well." Following Archbishop Lucius's command, Gillbert stood erect before him. His piercing blue eyes brimmed with determination, akin to a fierce eagle. His heart was as strong as steel, and he was poised like a formidable lion.

"Since this is a highly confidential mission, you must keep it from the Kingdom's officials."


"Only inform me and the twelve other high-ranking officials."


"You may bring only two of your most trusted companions on this journey."


"Do you comprehend, Gillbert?"

"Understood, Father!"

"Then go and carry out this mission effectively. May The Sacred Gods bless you."

"Very well. I will take my leave now. May The Sacred Gods bless you as well, Father."

Gillbert bowed deeply, placing his right hand over his heart in a final salute before departing from Archbishop Lucius. After the bow, he exited the Grand Cathedral of Albion, preparing to embark on his mission. The cathedral doors closed solidly behind him.

Once Gillbert had gone, Archbishop Lucius exhaled deeply and reclined in his lavish chair. He set the holy book on a small table to his left, then rested his head in his hands, gently massaging his temples to ease the pounding headache.

"I hope he stays safe." Archbishop Lucius remained anxious, fervently praying and beseeching The Sacred Gods to watch over Gillbert during his mission.

"He still does not realize the danger that lies ahead. That boy, who has served as a Cathedral Assassin for over twenty years and is prepared for any covert mission, remains unaware of the harsh realities of this world…"

"…If anything goes wrong, I will use Level 4 Magic, [Instant Teleportation], to bring him back here immediately. This mission may prove to be more perilous than any he has undertaken before."

"Gillbert, yes… His past and his journey have been fraught with trials, shaping him into the person he is today."

When Gillbert was a child, he lived in a village with a modest economic standing. Despite this, he was frequently ridiculed by those around him because his family was considered the most prosperous in the village. Gillbert often became the target of bullying and had no friends, yet his faith in The Sacred Gods exceeded his affection for his family.

Through tireless effort and devotion, Gillbert managed to elevate his family's status. For him, friends were inconsequential. What mattered was his unwavering faith in The Sacred Gods and the pride he took in his family's name.

Gillbert had a younger sister, twenty years his junior, who was now studying at the most prestigious Academy of Magic and Sciences in the world. Gillbert was the one who funded her education. Meanwhile, his parents worked as officials in the village government, and their family held a noble position within the Kingdom of Albion.

This background only deepened Gillbert's reverence for The Sacred Gods, whom he worshipped with utmost devotion. However, he often felt a deep sense of guilt, believing he had disappointed his faith and was perpetually burdened by his sins. Consequently, he accepted any task given by the Cathedral with willingness, seeking to atone for his wrongdoings and obtain forgiveness.

Gillbert is renowned for his formidable prowess, having mastered both the Assassin and Magic Caster classes. He wields Level 3 Magic with expert precision, and his skills as an Assassin are unmatched. It is fair to say that Gillbert stands as the finest Assassin in the Kingdom of Albion, earning him the revered title of "Gillbert, The Reaper of Albion."

"Gillbert, I have come to regard you as my own child, and I have long harbored a sense of guilt when the other high-ranking officials assign you to grim and inhumane missions, which you accept with unwavering dedication. It seems that I must impart a lesson about the harsh realities of the world. That is why I am sending you on this reconnaissance mission."

"Haha, how many hundreds of years have I lived? The extended life granted to me by The Sacred Gods is the greatest blessing. This divine grace has been bestowed upon me... Yet, never before have I felt such profound anxiety, worry, and fear. Despite my constant prayers to The Sacred Gods, I have never experienced a sensation as unsettling as this: despair."

"What exactly is that symbol? Whatever it may be, anything emerging from it must be stopped and prevented at all costs. The world stands on the brink of peril due to its existence. Utilizing the 'Divine Angel,' a Divine-tier artifact bestowed upon me by The Sacred Gods, poses an immense risk to the Kingdom of Albion."

"Oh, Sacred Gods, grant us your guidance. Bestow your miracles upon this world. Shield us once more from the monstrous threats that loom. Endow us with your strength. That symbol... heralds the destruction of the world! A monster among monsters!"

Archbishop Lucius fervently prayed to The Sacred Gods. He bowed his head and knelt before the thirteen statues of The Sacred Gods; his hands clasped tightly in earnest supplication. He pleaded with the thirteen Sacred Gods to safeguard the world from impending doom.

Suddenly, the grand doors of the cathedral swung open. A messenger soldier burst in, his face drenched with sweat and his expression fraught with panic.

"Your Excellency, Father Albion!" the soldier called out urgently, his voice laced with anxiety as he burst into the Cathedral.

Seeing Archbishop Lucius deep in prayer to The Sacred Gods, the soldier chose to hold his tongue, waiting patiently until the Archbishop had finished his supplications before delivering his news.

When the soldier's frantic cry reached him, Archbishop Lucius completed his prayer, gently placed his book back on the table, and turned to address the messenger.

"What has happened, soldier? Speak your purpose," Archbishop Lucius demanded, his tone steady yet laced with concern.

"I—Forgive the intrusion, Your Excellency. I come bearing a message from His Majesty the King," the soldier replied, his voice trembling slightly.

"Very well. Proceed."

"His Majesty requests the Cathedral's assistance with an urgent matter."

"Is this connected to the Mysterious Symbol?"

"Yes and no, Your Excellency."

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"The King wishes for Gillbert to undertake an investigation."

"On what grounds? I am certain that the Symbol is neither the work of man nor from this world."

"Not exactly, Your Excellency."

"Then what?"

"We have received troubling reports from our spies within the Zuvian Empire."

"The Zuvian Empire again?"

"Yes, Your Excellency."

"What does His Majesty require? If it involves the Zuvian Empire, the Cathedral will provide its support as always."

"About that... The Zuvian Empire has dispatched a force of 1,000 soldiers, led by one of their Four Great Warriors, Raoulin, to Peaceful Valley!"

"One thousand soldiers, you say!?"

"Y-Yes, Your Excellency..."

"What madness is this?!"

Archbishop Lucius fell to his knees, overwhelmed by the gravity of the news.

"Y-Your Excellency?! What's happening?" the soldier asked with evident worry.

"1,000 troops... heading to Peaceful Valley? All for that Symbol??? What on earth is the Emperor thinking? Wait... Did you mention Raoulin?"

"Y-Yes, Your Excellency."

"...Raoulin, indeed. It's not the Emperor's doing. It must be the Young Prince. It seems Raoulin is once again acting recklessly. Now I understand why the Young Prince allowed Raoulin to go to Peaceful Valley."

"Y-Your Excellency reached that conclusion so quickly?"

"I'm still uncertain, but it's the most plausible assumption I can make."

"I-I understand."

Archbishop Lucius wiped his face, gently dabbing at the sweat. He then rose, straightened his posture, and took a deep breath.

"Call Gillbert immediately! He might still be nearby and not have gone far."

"Wh-Where is Lord Gillbert going, Your Excellency?"

"You don't need to know! Just fetch him right away!"

"Understood! P-Please forgive me, Your Excellency."

"It's alright. Just hurry and bring him here!"

"Yes, Your Excellency!"

The soldier hurried out of the cathedral to locate Gillbert and urge him to come at once.

Archbishop Lucius settled back into his seat, striving to calm himself with deep breaths.

"1,000 troops... It could take them 3 days, or even 4 to 5 days, to reach their destination."

"1,000 troops under Raoulin's command? I hope my dark premonitions are incorrect. If not, the world will face an unimaginable threat."

Archbishop Lucius stared up at the cathedral's ceiling, praying earnestly to The Sacred Gods.

"Oh, the 13 Great Gods in heaven, shield us from this imminent threat."

"Protect this world."

"Though this world may be harsh, it is also filled with beauty."

"Do not let the mysterious Symbol bring ruin to this world's splendour."

"This world may be cruel, but we do not harbor hatred."