VIP Stand

The arena was being flooded with people by this time. Delvin and his team reached the entry point. It was buzzing with extreme noise and excitement. 

'I wish you all the best,' Delvin said to Triventa as he patted his back, then he and the others went to join General Smith and his team on the VIP stand. 

'Welcome, come and join us.' General Smith voiced happily as he signaled with his hand. 

After Delvin and his team had rested a while, three waitresses brought some wine, lagers, and soft drinks for people that did not drink. Fabrice Targan sat next to his old timer, General Smith.

General Smith always gave a unique smile before he could say something that was his signature, especially when he was chatting to a friend and not at work, 'Fabrice, why do you have so much confidence in this young man?' General Smith decided to bring out one of the questions that raced in his mind since he chose to accept the fighting deal.