
General Smith jolted as if he was fast sleeping, then a nightmare woke him. His trend of thought was interrupted by Fabrice Targan's voice. He quickly looked up, directing his gaze at Fabrice Targan. His appearance showed how deep in thoughts he had been gone.

'What...?' He barked back, he seriously did not hear the question posed by Fabrice Targan. To him, it was a rough noise that woke him up from his deadly daydream, and now he wanted to know what the fussy was about.

Fabrice Targan grinned gently, having noticed the state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation his friend was in.

'I will come back,' he decided to change the approach. He briskly walked with long, decisive steps to the kitchen. Shortly after, he returned with a bottle of whiskey and two glasses.