
At ZamCorp Base Four, in Allianza city, General Galvan Demeon had taken control of his team. They began to fire back at the intruders' airships. Their main force were drones that filled up almost the entire interspaces of the city. The shootings of the drones created great havoc for the enemies of the Earthians.


Even if the drones did less damage to the invaders' airships, the drones were very disturbing, causing much confusion and distractions for the enemy. The introduction of drones helped Triventa and his team to gain a foothold in destroying the airships of the invaders.


'Sire, two of our airships have been destroyed by the earthians,' Dosanko reported, his looks worriedly, which struck King Bracandon with a huge surprise. 


'How is that possible?' He took a breather, 'I thought Earthians didn't have weapons that could destroy our airships?'