Battle Scene

"We are really privileged that he is on our side, otherwise I wouldn't want to have such an opponent fighting against us. He fights like a god of war."

General Galvan Demeon praised his new friend; he now fought side by side. 

In as much as he was in combat, Delvin managed to multi-task. 

"King Bracandon, how are we doing that side?" 

Delvin made an inquiry, the second he crashed the last opponent near him, and exhaled heavily and momentarily became free. 

His eyes searched for the next opponent he would target. 

"So far we are holding on well, we are equally matched. We will need a tier breaker." 

"Keep holding them up as long as you can. We will come to your aid after the underground attacks are balanced." 

Delvin eluded a missile which nearly took him, it went and struck a building a short distance away. 

It blew up, and the impact pushed all the people ten to twenty meters away from the blown building.