chapter 6: the rage of the broken knight

POV Reno

When we came to the border Village. We saw the villagers are repairing there broken houses and some graves are being prepared.

This made my heart ack as one mother buried his children with a vacant eyes.

As we stop on the town hall. The old man whose name was gin spoke in grievance.

"Am sure you guys are not the marquis knights right?"

As I nodded my head. Gin only gritted his teeth and said.

"I see, then who are you guys."

At his question, I step forward and said .

"we are from the adventures guild and we can here to find a metallic golem that one of my people said. Is he the one who cause this?"

At my question, he only shook his head.

"No, the bandits did this and that golem just slaughter them."

"The golem slaughter the bandits? Why would he do that?"

"I don't know and when he finished killing them. He went to the well to drink."

When my eyebrows raise. Jackal spoke.

"Are you sure?"

In his question, he replied.

"Am not lying, he really that."

When I looked at this old man. I can tell that this man isn't lying but what kind of golem it is when it also requested a water.

As I shook my thoughts. I asked.

"So where did he go?"

"He went back to the forest. That's all I know."

When we all got out from the town hall. Many questions had flooded in my head but one thing will be proven if we find that golem.

"Let's go."

At my command, we all went to the forest as to find the tracks of the metallic golem. Each time we keep searching. I can see the large visible foot mark.

They look like a foot mark but the difference was it was 10 times big as mine.

"So who do you think belongs too?"

"I have no idea but this markings are strange."

As the two of the special team chat. I heard multiple sounds. This made me and the team to be alerted as we gaze to the unknown creature.

"Men prepared for battle."

As the expedition nodded. A creature revealed itself.

It was a strange bug who has six pointed feet, four large sickle and the creature's face was terrifying which larger than 6 to 8 foot tall.

If it's alone we might have chances but this creature showed up even more.

"Shit what is this?!"

"I never seen this monster before."

"Stay focus men!"

At my shout, I temporary increase their confidence but at the same time. It might didn't effect.

Moreover, this creatures didn't attack. They just standing for a while as if this creature was scanning us from head to toe.

As we can feel the heavy atmosphere. Six men who wears a military armor came.

"Oh, looks like I found a rat on the forest."

The man wearing an enemy armor said as he removed his helmet.

Looking at him with a piercing gaze, I ask.

"Who are you! And are those creature!"

At my shout, this mysterious man smiled mocking and said.

"My name is caviler, the scout captain of the 203 battalion of bendrick kingdom."

As he bowed to us like a respectful person he added.

"And this creature you talking about was our new weapon called chimera."

At his words. All of our eyes when wide. If the bendrick made them there is one came in our mind. They made a forbidden creation without telling the magic crafters council.

Just when I was about to speak he continued.

"Although you have questions. It's better to hold your words since even I don't know why.

At his words I nodded and said.

"And what are you doing here at the kingdom's territory!"

In my question, caviler smiled a bit and said.

"Isn't that obvious, we came here to find that golem and destroyed it. But since we find a few enemies of the kingdom. I guess a warm up won't be bad."

At his words, the chimera charge us in group. We knew little about chimeras since it was the enemies weaponize monsters but we didn't retreat.

Several high ranking adventures fought the chimeras but each time we killed them. Other pops out.

One by one, many of our people died but they just keep coming.

"This bastard won't stop coming!"


"Reny! No!"


Out of nowhere, another chimera showed up but this one is different. He was larger than others and his sickle was way more larger.

When this monster stab reny in the chest. He opened his jaw and ate him alive.

This made everyone to surprised but he isn't done yet.

The monster's sickle was covered in mana coat as he attack our vanguard.

"How is this possible!"

"His use reny's skill!"

"Shit! Help me o- ugh!"


Looking at my guild members demise. I couldn't help but gritted my teeth in anger as the bastard, who controls the chimera smiled grim.

Little by little, our numbers are decreasing rapidly. If they continued we will be wipe out.




When we heard the monster's cry. We look at the direction of the noise and The metallic golem who cut the monster in half was glaring with his one crimson eye.


POV chimera queen

Inside my hive all of us including me was so surprised. The metallic golem also known as war coffin machine showed up.

The bastard who butched and killed my children in the other world was here.

"Why, why are you here. And you dare to kill my children! KILL! KILL THAT BASTARD NO MATTER WHAT!!!"


Our most hatred enemy is here in our own world.