The Day of the First Task

The day of the first task had finally arrived. It started like most others, with Harry rising early in order to avoid his roommates. After completing his morning grooming rituals, Harry sat for almost ten minutes staring at the athletic robes he had been given to wear during the first challenge.

They were a lot like his Quidditch robes, prompting him to remember that in any normal year he would be preparing to play Seeker for Gryffindor and only worrying about catching the snitch before the other team's seeker could. But this year, instead of facing rival seekers and incoming bludgers, he would be facing a fully grown dragon. All things considered, he'd much rather be playing Quidditch. Deciding he didn't have time to day dream, Harry pulled on his robes and walked to the Great Hall for breakfast. He knew that even more attention than usual would be on him today, but he hoped he could make it through the meal without any major distractions.

As Harry walked in the hall all conversation seemed to cease, and every head turned to look at him. 'I guess I should have known this was coming' he thought with a sigh. Seeing Neville already seated and eating a stack of pancakes, Harry walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat down across from him.

"Hey Neville."

"Morning. You ready for this, Harry?" his friend asked.

"As ready as I will ever be I suppose. I've got a plan A and a plan B, so I am more prepared for this than I have been for just about all of my previous adventures. I think I will make it through the day in one piece." Harry added with laugh.

"Huh? What's this plan B?"

"You'll see, I've got to keep a few surprises to myself. I wonder if the others know what is coming like I do."

"You said Professor Moody warned you, so obviously it isn't a very well kept secret. I am sure Karkaroff and Maxine found out and told their champions, and Moody probably would have said something to Cedric if he said something to you."

"You are probably right. There would almost have to be a system in place to make sure we are prepared, otherwise most of the champions would die."

"Plenty of people have died in this tournament before, Harry." Neville reminded him.

"Is that really what you want to be telling me right now?" Harry asked with a sarcastic grin.

"Oh man! I'm sorry, I didn't even think about how that sounded before I said it. I'm sure you will do great."

"Don't worry about it, I was only kidding around with you anyway. You know what this feels like to me? The morning of the first Quidditch match of the year. It's just about always against Slytherin, and so everyone is paying attention. Even the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. Every time I know that if we're going to win I have to catch the snitch, because our teams are usually close enough for it to come down to that. When I was younger that kind of pressure almost made me want to curl up into a ball and go back to bed, but something in me must have changed since then. Now I just feel excited, and I know that I won't calm down until they call my name and I go out there to compete. Does that make any sense to you?"

"Sure it does. I've heard lots or professional athletes talk like that. Did you ever think of playing Quidditch after you graduate? I bet you're good enough."

"We'll see." Harry answered, but he personally doubted that would happen. Quidditch was fun and challenging, but that alone would not be enough to keep him interested. His thoughts on the subject were completely interrupted when he felt a pair of arms swing around his body and pull him into a tight hug. He turned to see who it was and quickly decided he wasn't in any danger.

"Good morning, Hermione. It's nice to see you, too."

"Oh Harry, you're going to be careful aren't you? I should have been there with you, helping you get ready!" she sobbed as she hugged him tighter and cried into his shoulder.

"Hey, Hermione. It's ok, I'm going to be just fine." Harry said, trying to comfort her. He turned his head towards Neville and looked at his friend with a confused look on his face. Neville responded by shrugging and mouthing the words 'I have no idea' to him. "Come on, why don't we sit down and you can tell me what's on your mind." Hermione nodded in agreement and finally let go of her hold on him. As they sat down she tried wipe the tears out of her eyes with her sleeves.

"I had no right to doubt you, Harry. I've just been so scared of losing the only friendships I've ever had. But if I have to choose, I choose you Harry. Ron has been a real git, but I guess so have I."

"Just a little, Hermione." Harry said with a small smile.

"I know you said things can't be like they were before, but I hope you will be able to forgive me."

"Not today, maybe not even soon. But probably one day, yes." Harry assured her, which resulted in another hug.

"I'm worried about you, Harry. This tournament is so dangerous, you could get hurt!"

"Don't worry about it. I know exactly what I am doing. Just because I didn't have you around doesn't mean I haven't been preparing for this. That's just about all I have been doing since my name came out of that bloody cup. In fact, I even have a plan A and a plan B." Harry said proudly.

"You have a plan B? Who are you and what have you done with Harry Potter?" Hermione asked sarcastically. "Wait a minute, if you have a plan that means… you know what the first task is going to be!"

"Of course I do, but keep quiet about it. I don't want everyone to know."

"Well, what is it?" she asked excitedly.

"You can find out in a couple of hours along with the rest of Hogwarts." Hermione did not look happy with his decision, but knew better than to badger him about it. The rift in their friendship could not be healed in one sitting, and she decided she would much rather have her friend back than know what the first task was a few hours early.

"That's fine, Harry. I will still be there cheering for you."

"Did you hear that Neville, my cheering section just doubled in size!" Harry said with a laugh.

"Then I guess we will just have to be really loud." Neville responded.

"Good! I better go, I have to meet with guys in charge of the tournament before everything starts. I'll see you both after I finish up, ok?" His friends both nodded as he walked towards the exit. His eyes drifted over to the Slytherin table where he saw Daphne send a smile his way. Harry smiled back, and both of them thought of how annoying it was to have to hide the friendship that was quickly becoming the most important one they had. Daphne was glad that Hermione had decided to try and repair her broken friendship with Harry. She knew Harry would have been sad if that friendship had died. After all, she had seen him once before when he thought he had lost her…


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