The Dead End

Harry turned and continued in the direction he had been heading. Soon he was faced with another decision on which way to go and this time chose to turn right instead of heading straight. He knew that the Triwizard Cup was roughly in the center of the maze so decided that he would try to head in that direction, although he knew that there was no way he would find a direct route. The path he was on lead him through many twists and turns, but the path did not branch out and offer him a choice to head in a different direction. After a while he began to get a bad feeling that this part of the maze led to nowhere, a belief that was confirmed a few minutes later when he ran into a dead end. He groaned in frustration as he had no other choice but to turn around and retrace his steps. He doubted it would be the last time that happened to him today.

Once again Harry heard the cannon firing, this time meaning that Viktor Krum had now entered the maze. Harry wished he had some way of knowing how the other were doing but that was impossible. The only sign that he would have they were in trouble would be if they shot sparks into the air, and that had not happened yet.

Harry continued on and began to explore new paths that would hopefully lead him to the Triwizard Cup. Eventually he game to a circular clearing that had five paths leading off in different directions. As he stood there deciding which way to go he heard the soft sounds of some creature coming towards him. He turned to face the new challenge with his wand ready to defend himself when he saw dozens of creatures that looked like grey lobsters with green spots approaching him. The small animals were closer than he thought they would be and Harry knew he was very fortunate to have spotted them when he did. Harry recognized them to be mackled malaclaws and while it was doubtful they could kill anyone a bite from a malaclaw would make a person unlucky for about a week. Any champion that was bit by a malaclaw would therefore almost certainly not win the tournament and was likely to get hurt by one of the maze's other obstacles.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Harry called out, casting the body bind curse on all of the creatures at once. Even with the curse in place the lobster-like creatures were still attempting to bit him, although they couldn't get any closer. Harry then levitated them all into the center of the circular room where he thought one of the other champions might come and disillusioned them. Harry laughed as he walked out of the circular room and into an unexplored path. He would know better than to walk through the center of the room, but maybe his competition wouldn't. He did not want any of them to get hurt, but he would take any advantage he could get.

The cannon then fired for the fourth and final time. Now all of the champions were in the maze. Harry felt that he probably had a decent advantage on the others but the maze was so confusing that it was hard to tell how much of one he had. He felt a renewed since of urgency rising in him and knew he would have to move fast if he wanted to win.

As Harry rounded the next turn in the maze he came face to face with a giant wall of fire. He suddenly had the urge to turn around and head in a different direction and in fact was almost back around the corner when he realized that his urge to leave had been produced by a strong compulsion charm. Knowing that it was a trick, Harry turned back towards the wall of fire. He pointed his wand at the fire and cast the flame freezing charm, but his spell flew past the wall of fire and seemed to have no effect at all. Harry tried again and got identical results. With a curious look on his face, Harry began to approach the wall of fire and immediately realized something was off about it. Despite the huge flames that reached as high as the massive walls of the maze the fire was not giving off any heat at all.

"It's an illusion!" Harry suddenly realized. Smiling, Harry confidently walked through the flames and safely out the other side. He hoped this was a sign he was headed in the right direction, but knew it was possible the maze's designer just wanted him to think that. The maze was proving to be quite challenging.

Harry kept exploring the maze, but the next two paths he took resulted in dead ends that wasted valuable time. The other champions could be well ahead of him by now if they didn't face similar problems. His worries that the other champions could be beating him were lessened when he heard a feminine scream towards the direction of the entrance of the maze followed shortly there after by red sparks shooting high into the sky. Harry assumed that meant Fleur Delacour, wherever she had been, was now out of the tournament. He wondered what had gotten to her, but since she took a different path than him it was impossible to know.

As Harry continued walking the maze wall suddenly closed behind him, forcing him to continue in the direction he was heading. Only moments later though he felt the ground begin to slightly shake and heard loud footsteps approaching him. Something big was headed his way, and from the sounds of things was just around the next corner. Harry held his wand out, ready to cast any spell he needed to and waited for the threat to approach. Slowly a massive shape turned the corner in front of him and Harry found himself facing a huge troll.

The troll slowly turned it head as if it knew someone was close by but wasn't sure where. Harry noticed that it was dragging a large wooden club behind it, although due to its size the club looked more like a tree trunk than anything else. It then began snarling and sniffing the air like an animal still looking for its prey. Harry knew that he could get past this obstacle, after all he and Ron had fought off a troll as first years. This one was quite a bit bigger, but it still had weaknesses. While trolls were incredibly resistant to spells cast on them, spells that affected the environment around them were especially useful.

The troll finally spotted Harry and began charging towards him, his massive club held up high in the air waiting to strike. Harry knew he had to act quickly and first cast "Aguamenti", causing a large pool of water appear between him and the troll. His next spells was "Glacius", which froze the water he had just conjured. When the troll hit the ice it began to slip and Harry helped it fall by cast a strong "Impedimenta". As the tripping hex hit the troll it fell hard on its face and broke its nose. Harry wasted no time in conjuring vines out of the earth that wrapped around the troll and held him down. He kept conjuring vines until he was sure that the troll could not move at all, although it still was shaking in a useless attempt to free itself. He then calmly walked past it and further into the maze, leaving the troll screaming in frustration.

Harry kept searching for the Triwizard Cup, but after another fifteen minutes he was still unable to figure out where to go. He knew that he was now somewhere close to the center of the maze and that the Cup should be close by, but he had still not seen it. At one point he had heard the sound of Krum battling some type of beast, but the thick walls prevented him from seeing what was going on. He did not see any sparks shoot up from where the fight was going on however, and assumed Krum had won.

He then resumed his search and walked down a path that had just become available to him when the walls shifted again. He knew he was now in a part of the maze he had not seen before and hoped it would produce better results than the last one. Harry had been walking for a few minutes when he heard a scream coming from very close by. He started running towards the scream and when he turned the next corner saw what had caused it.


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