"It'd be nice if they let me out of here tonight, but I guess there's no chance of that happening is there?" Harry said with a sad smile.
"No, probably not." Hermione answered. "Good night everyone." Hermione turned and walked out of the room with a look of determination on her face that Harry couldn't explain. Once again he regretted letting their friendship be overlooked the past few weeks. Once they had been so close he could tell what she was thinking just from the look on her face, but now? Now he had no idea what was going on inside her head.
"I guess I'll go, too." Neville announced. "I'm glad you're ok, Harry. Oh, and congrats on winning the tournament."
"Yeah, I guess that did kind of get overlooked." Harry said with a laugh. "Thanks, Neville." Neville nodded and turned to leave the room, leaving Harry and Daphne alone. She was still sitting on the bed next to him holding his hand. "Daphne? What's wrong?"
"I don't remember giving you permission to die, Harry Potter!" she said finally. A tear she had been holding back began to fall from her eyes as she looked at Harry. His story had obviously affected her differently than it had the others. Harry wasn't sure how to answer her, so instead he pulled her into a hug and held her.
"It's ok, Daphne. I'm fine now." Harry told her. "I'll do better next time, I promise. I won't let Voldemort hurt me, or you."
"You better not." Daphne said as she lifted her head off his shoulder. "I guess I should probably go…"
"Don't." Harry said. "Stay here with me."
"I don't think Madam Pomfrey would approve." Daphne answered.
"We're in a hospital bed in the middle of the infirmary, she will know nothing out of the ordinary is going to happen." Harry replied. "I just want you to be here with me."
"Ok, but don't act surprised when she kicks me out in an hour." Daphne said as she laid down in the bed next to her boyfriend.
"Thank you." Harry said gratefully. "Daphne, I… I love you." Harry watched to see her response, even though he had been growing more and more sure of his feelings for her over the past months he had never said it out loud. Partly because he was worried she wouldn't feel the same way. His fears were greatly eased though when he saw her smile and felt her scoot closer to him on the bed.
"I love you, too." she answered softly, but loud enough for Harry to hear. That night Harry went to sleep with a smile on his face, despite everything that had happened that day. Fifteen minutes later, Madam Pomfrey found them both asleep and cuddled up next to each other. Technically, she knew, she should tell young Ms Greengrass that visiting hours were over and she needed to leave. But Mr Potter had obviously had an awful day and would probably appreciate the company… In the end Madam Pomfrey didn't say anything and left the couple alone to rest together.
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