A Bad Feeling

"I don't know about this Albus… I have a bad feeling about leaving the boy here…"

"It will be fine Minerva, this is the only way to ensure he grows up without the corruptions of fame and fortune."

"But will he be safe? Will he be cared for ?"

"I am sure he will. Lily Evans was one of the kindest individuals I have ever met in my lifetime. I cannot imagine anyone sharing her blood and upbringing could be anything less than a remarkable person as well. There will be wards placed around this home to protect him. He will be safe Minerva."

The woman let out a reluctant sigh, Albus was right… had to be right. The boy would be loved here, and for the right reasons rather than just for the wealth of the family he came from or the mark on his forehead.

"Alright Albus, let's just get this over with…"

The old man nodded, before placing the child on the doorstep of '4 Privet Drive'. A swift knock later and the man vanished, allowing those currently residing in the residence to take up the responsibility of raising the child.

If he had known the consequences of his actions that night he would have never took the boy there. If he had only known…


-Over nine years later-

"Oh this ain good, no no, ain good at all…" Hagrid muttered nervously as he departed from the doorstep of '4 Privet Drive'.

Harry wasn't there. He wasn't living where they dropped him off, in fact according to the fat man he hadn't lived there in over nine years. The Muggle claimed they had dropped the newborn off at an orphanage the next day, refusing to deal with someone else's problem, especially one that was left on their doorstep with only a note as explanation.

Hagrid could blend in enough to go to one small house where the occupants knew about magic.

What he could not do was show up at a Muggle orphanage.

"No no no… ain good. Dumbledore is gonna have words with me though…" The large man promptly used his temporary Portkey to return to Hogwarts, he needed help.


"I'm sorry Hagrid but I simply don't have time. You know that I have other students to visit as well."

"I know, I know but ima beggin ya Professa please!"

The dark skinned woman gave a sigh, she knew that she would cave eventually and help the man but it was such a stressful time of the year.

"I-I can help ya out. How bou I take some of yer duties. I can get yer classroom ready and yer supplies. Please Professa Sinistra…"

"Fine fine, if you could purchase the items on my list I should have enough time to go see whoever this boy is."

Hagrid nodded cheerfully, before taking the list and starting to depart.



"The boy?"

"Oh uh ya right yer are. Tracked him down to a orphanage, uh… got the address here somewhere…" the man patted himself down for a second, before pulling out a crumpled piece of paper and handing it to the woman.


"It is quite alright Hagrid."

The man nodded and, once again, turned to leave.



"His name?"

"Oh er right, its Harry Professa, Harry Potter."

The woman practically fainted.


'All Saints Boy's Orphanage'

If ever there was a place in need of repair it was this one. Even magical buildings, with their preference to older looking architectures looked in better shape than this. The grass was yellow and lifeless, the building itself was dull gray, the lower windows were barred, and the upper level were covered in dirt and grime, paint was chipping, pipes were rusted, and the sound of life was noticeably absent.

It was a bleak and terrible place, how the savior of the wizarding world ended up in such a hellhole was beyond the woman. But that was a question for another time, and thus the woman straightened her back to look as professional as possible before making her way inside.


Sinistra blinked at the, middle aged woman sitting behind the glassed off welcome desk.

"Aurora Sinistra, I am here to see a Mr. Harry Potter." The professor hadn't expected much of a reaction, maybe a bit of curiosity as to why she would be visiting an orphan, thus when the woman turned pale white it earned more than a little suspicion.

"S-sign below, w-we are not responsible for a-anything that might go missing or any i-i-injuries you may sustain on property."

The Witch glanced up for a moment, at the now stuttering woman, before finishing her signature with a nod.

"I will be alright, is there anything you can tell me about…"

"No, just… no."

The teacher blinked twice, before making her way in the designated direction.

"Such an odd human being, I wonder if all Muggles are so strange these days…" the professor muttered as she walked up a series of, practically rotting, steps.

"Let's see last room on the left… ah there it is."

A soft tapping on the door earned her a happy 'enter' from inside. Upon entering something felt… odd to the woman. A sudden warmth that filled her senses and her body, an odd feeling of contentment and… desire?

With a mental shake of her head Aurora refocused her attention to the room, there on the worn out bed sat a young boy with messy black hair, torn up clothing, and a book in his hand.

"Mr. Potter?"

The book was lowered, and the woman fought the urge to gasp at the brilliant green eyes that gazed back at her.


It was the voice of an angel, delightfully charming and light, with an care free tone that warmed the soul.

"I…" discreetly biting her tongue the woman fought back the initial, and rather inappropriate, comments she had been about to make before clearing her throat. "My name is Aurora Sinistra and I am a teacher at Hogwarts. Due to your age I am here to inform you of your admission to our school."

The boy cocked his head to the side, and the older individual's heart fluttered.

"I don't remember applying to your school."

"Oh, well that is because you were chosen at birth. Your parents…" The woman caught sight of the infamous scar on his forehead, and began to stare at it as if lost in thought, therefore she missed the boy's eyes narrowing annoyance.

A rather loud 'hoot' from nearby made the woman jump, as she suddenly noticed the beautiful snow-white owl standing on the open windowsill.

It was staring at her with amber eyes.

Judging her.

"What a pretty owl you have…"

"Thank you, her name is Hedwig. You mentioned my parents?"

"Your… oh yes of course! Your parents paid to ensure your admittance when you were born."

"What were they like? Did you know them? Are they still alive?"

This wasn't what the woman had planned for, but naturally should have. What orphan doesn't want to know about those who had abandoned them?

"They were very noble, I never knew them unfortunately. They passed away close to a decade ago."

"Oh… so what kind of school is this?"

The woman's smile brightened, this was always her favorite part. "Tell me Harry… have you ever noticed anything… unusual happen around you? Maybe something that you can't explain?"