The Staff's Curiosity

"I warned you this would happen…" the soft voice noted as Hedwigs fingers gently wove through her boy's hair. Currently his head way laying in her lap on his bed, it was a soothing tradition that had calmed him down many times during his years at the orphanage, and stopped him from causing too many disappearances. With the other Slytherins taking part of a study group, which Harry had not been invited to due to his blood status, this had been the first opportunity they had to start again.

"I know" the boy sighed, his eyes closed and relaxed. "I just figured that there would be someone who I could relate to here… someone who would understand me… who would be like me ."

"There is no one like you… it is both a gift and a curse."

A slight nod confirmed he was listening, and agreed.

"You will always have me though" she whispered, thus earning a slight smile.

"And you me my dear."

Once again her heart fluttered, true the boy was only eleven but with his intellect and 'childhood' he was far more mature than that. If she had to guess, his mental age was probably closer to 'thirty' than 'ten'.

"So why do we stay? Why not just leave now? We could run away from this place, from the orphanage. You have a reason to access your vault now, there is more than enough money for us to live on for the rest of our lives. It could just be us against the world, like it always has been."

The child's eyes opened, and peered up at her. "It always will be us against the world my dear, but…"

"You want more ."

A nod confirmed her suspicions.


Albus Dumbledore smiled warmly as his staff entered the office. This truly was one of his favorite events of the year, when the various teachers would get together and discuss any unusually talented students that they had observed. Usually this would only apply to the first years, but occasionally a 'late bloomer' would be found and surprise everyone years after beginning their magical education.

Slowly the professors filtered in and took their various seats. Refreshments, and lemon drops, were offered until everyone was appeased, then the older man began. "Quite a class we have this year hm?"

Several nods confirmed his suspicion. With so many Pureblood heirs it would bound to be a very interesting school year.

"We will start with you this time Filius, are there any Ravenclaws who stand out to you?"

The shortest professor gave a short summary, with no one being mentioned in particular before the attention was centered on the Hufflepuff head of house, who reported much the same.

"How about your lions Minerva?"

"I do have one thus far, Miss Hermione Granger seems to be exceptionally intelligent and absolutely loves to learn."

The man's eyes twinkled happily. He loved that quality in a student above all else.

"I see, has anyone else noticed this as well?"

The others, even Snape reluctantly, nodded in agreement. "Ah, well then we will have to keep a close eye on Miss Granger to ensure that her love of learning is properly nurtured. What about you and yours Severus?"

"Draco Malfoy has reported high grades in all of his classes, especially potions."

"Ah to be expected of Mr. Malfoy, perhaps he will take after his father and end up being a Head Boy as well in the future." The eldest man complimented, "what about Mr. Potter?"

The potions master bit back a retort, of course it would come back to Potter. Unfortunately he had nothing ill to say about the boy… yet.

"He is… above what I would have expected."

McGonagall's eye roll was practically audible, "Oh please Severus, if he is half as talented in potions as he was in my own class then I doubt even you could find anything to critique the boy on."

"He is gifted Minerva?"

An excited nod greeted him, "Takes after his father I imagine, James Potter always was quite the prodigy in transfiguration, and you Filius? Does he take after his mother in charms as well?"

The shorter man hesitated, before shaking his head. "No… if I had to guess has quite thoroughly surpassed her level of growth in that field."

Now quite a few staff members were staring. Lily Evans had been a natural in that class from the day she stepped into it. For her son to surpass her…

"Hagrid, what did you see in the boy during your first meeting with him?"

The half-giant gulped, before breaking out in a slight sweat, "Well tha thing is Headmasta…"

"I asked Hagrid to pick up some supplies for me, they were quite cumbersome and I knew he would be able to accomplish this far better than I. In return I agreed to greet the boy so that Hagrid would not be pressed for time."

The Headmaster's eyes twinkled merrily, while the larger man gave a slight nod in thanks.

"Ah very good, I am glad to see my staff works so well together. Well then Aurora, what was your first impression of young Harry?"

"He was…" The professor hated lying to the older man but… well she couldn't exactly confess that she had been turned on by an eleven year old child and still keep her job. Plus it would be years before she would ever have a class with him… right? "Mature, and very intelligent. I am actually very surprised he did not end up in Ravenclaw with how interested he was in learning."

"Yes very odd… Severus, have you noticed any manipulations or shows of cunning by the boy?"

Nearby the Sorting Hat perked up, this was it. The choice made was being noticed. Now all they had to do was look further into it. All Slytherin had the capability of subtleties, now if someone could just see it…

"I'm afraid not Headmaster."

"Perhaps he is just ambitious, how much have you actually spoken to him?" McGonagall inquired, earning a scowl from the potions master.

"I do not have time to learn the hopes and dreams of every student, keep a house in line, and prepare for the classes themselves."

Dumbledore intervened before the conversation escalated any further, and judging by the returned glare from his Deputy Headmistress it was about to be. "Of course Severus, of course we were not expecting you to show young Harry any more attention than any other student. I was simply curious is all."

Inwardly, the Hat let out a sigh, maybe it would take longer than it hoped. As long as the outcome was the same though it wouldn't matter… as long as the boy was stopped before he could grow anymore powerful.