Blood and Bones


The Headmaster looked over to the Potion Master, who gestured towards the empty seat at the staff table. Quirrell had not been seen that morning. Following their breakfast the two journeyed to the man's quarters, only to find him missing. A flick of the elder Wizard's wand summoned the other staff members.

"It appears as though one of our own has gone missing. Please search the school until he is found, until then all students will be confined to their dormitories for safety."

Hagrid reported back several hours later, that the body had been found.

"God in Heaven Albus…" Minerva whispered, as she turned away from the horrific scene they had arrived at in the forest.

It was Quirrell, at least part of him. From what Dumbledore could tell the body had been literally torn to pieces by some sort of powerful wild animal. Organs, bones, muscles, skin, and blood covered the ground in a wide area and it was only the fact that they had located part of the man's face that they could even identify the body.

"Hagrid my friend, you know more about what lives in these woods than any of us. What do you think could have done this?"

The man, who was crouching down by the remains nodded slightly. "Looks like an animal Headmaster. Strong and powerful. But ain no animal in these woods that did this. Sure some could, Acromantula be strong enough but… the body ain eaten. Whatever did this ain do it for hunger. He was killed just for the sake of killin, no animal in the forest kill for anything but eating or defense. Also he was strugglin… he was alive when it started."

"It was not a full moon last night, meaning it could not have been a Were either." Snape chimed in from nearby.

"That's not the oddest part though Headmaster."

"What is Hagrid?"

"Only three pairs of tracks. The Unicorn, Quirrells, and… another person. Small, child sized. Ain no other animal tracks. Whatever did this…"

Dumbledore nodded, it was obvious the man had been possessed by Voldemort, but for something to kill him so violently…


"How long are you going to ignore the facts Headmaster?"

Another, this time unofficial, inquiry. Another week of questions, and now Dumbledore found himself looking up a an angry Severus Snape. Just like the last time that they had this conversation.

"I am not ignoring any facts Severus I promise you."

"You are ignoring the fact that Potter is obviously guilty! He stayed behind during the break, he is in Slytherin for a reason, he is manipulative, and he…"

"Had the power to utterly dominate and tear a man possessed by the Dark Lord into pieces without so much as a scratch, and without any of us realizing it? Please Severus I understand you hated James Potter but this is becoming ridiculous. The boy is not a killer."

"And the fact that he was here for the holidays when the murder took place?"

"So were dozen of other students and teachers."

"And the Draco Malfoy incident? Perhaps he even had a hand with what happened concerning the Troll.

"He was with the other Slytherin students at the time Severus… unless you believe he shape shifted into the beast to kill a member of his own house?"

"Minerva claimed he was a prodigy…"

This time Dumbledore did not even try to conceal the eye roll. "Please Severus, you cannot claim the boy to be talented when it suits you and then useless the rest of the time. I do so wish you would leave behind this personal vendetta that you have towards the boy."

"And I wish that you would open your eyes to the fact that the might not be an innocent child."


"Harry we are back!" Draco Malfoy happily exclaimed as he pushed open the doors to their dorm rooms… only to find it empty.

"Uh… Harry?" the boy glanced around to ensure that only his fellow supporters were around, "My Lord?"

Crabbe and Goyle gave two very unuseful shrugs before they went back into the common room. Had Harry left? Had he decided that Hogwarts was not worth his time and simply departed for other purposes?

Before the full impact could fall upon him the blonde heard an odd sound, and let his jaw drop, along with the rest of Slytherin, as the boy-who-lived walked out of a doorway that had materialized below a picture of Salazar himself.

"H-Harry… what is… that!?"

"A good question Mr. Malfoy, I also would like to know why you have not been staying in your dorm room Mr. Potter."

"Oh that is because I found a different room to stay in. Since it is still in the Slytherin quarters it is allowed according to the rules, just like the special rooms that the Prefects are given."

"Wait! Why does Potter get a special room but I have to share with…" one of said Prefects interrupted, earning him a silencing glare from the Potion Master.

"If you can gain access go right ahead, but considering that there is a password…"

"And what is the password Mr. Potter?" Snape inquired, forcing down the annoyance he felt at the boy receiving special treatment despite his best efforts.

Turning the boy hissed at the wall, which promptly opened. "Unless one of you are a Parselmouth…"

The entire Slytherin house stared dumbstruck.

"No? Well then since it is not being used I might as well hm?"


"Stop where you are in the brewing process so that I may grade your work." Severus Snape announced as he began to make his rounds. The Slytherin side was exceptional, as usual, up until Potter and Malfoy's, which was perfect… as usual. "Ten points to Slytherin." he muttered, sure he wasn't convinced of the boy's innocence, but that didn't mean he wouldn't use the boy's outstanding skills to help his house along.

"Ah Mr. Weasley, a barely functional potion once again. Ten points from Gryffindor."

"Wh-what! Why!?"

"Because Mr. Weasley, you are supposed to do your own work and not rely on your partner to do it all for you. We both know that it is Ms. Granger's efforts that keep you from failing this class."


The man had already moved on, giving Longbottom a barely passing grade as well for his work. In the meantime Ron sent a nasty glare towards the bookworm, silently blaming her for his misfortune once again.

The girl merely hung her head, her eyes downcast as she tried to stop any tears from appearing.


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