A Frozen Moment

"Ah Harry how are you?"

"Very good professor Sinistra, and yourself?"

"Good, good you may just call me Aurora though when we are not in class. We are friends remember?"

The smile on the boy's face sent guiltily warm shivers down the woman's spine. "Aurora then."

Forcing away some rather unprofessional thoughts the woman cleared her throat, "And your classes Harry?" the woman inquired as she and the student continued walking down the hallway.

"A bit dull I am afraid. I have already read through all of the books and they seem to be much the same as last year. I was hoping for something different during this time."

"I see, unfortunately you cannot take the Electives, such as Astronomy, until third year. Even then you will only have time for one or two. I do hope you consider my class though." Her last statement had been implied a bit too huskily before she realized it. Part of her prayed that the boy would not pick up on it… but a small portion of her mind hoped that he might actually…

"It was my first choice. I don't think I would be able to go another year without regularly seeing you."

Maybe he did know what she was doing, but Aurora's knowledge of teenage flirting was more than a little limited.

"Perhaps we could see a bit more of each other this year? Although I am rather busy most evenings I have always found myself to be a 'night owl' and if you find yourself without anything to do on a Saturday or Sunday evening we could always start Astronomy a bit early, the view from the tower is quite lovely after all."

"That sounds nice, thank you Aurora. I look forward to seeing the rest of you as well." with that the boy entered his next classroom, leaving a stunned woman standing in the hallway, before blushing and swiftly moving off to find a place to cool down, and perhaps take a cold shower.


"It seems like you have been getting even more attention this year Harry."

The boy turned around, glancing at the white haired girl sitting at the end of his bed. "Whatever do you mean Hedwig?"

"Don't lie to me Harry… you can lie to anyone else, deceive them, manipulate them… just don't do it to me…"

The teasing smile fell and he rose to slowly walk towards her. "You are referring to the sexual attention I am receiving from quite a few women."


"Have I not told you that you cannot be replaced?"

"You have but…" Before she realized it the raven-haired boy was standing inches away from her, his arms on her shoulders as he pushed her torso back onto the bed with little effort. Any protest was silenced as he moved forward so that his hips were between her legs which still dangled from the side, his pelvis grazing her own and sending shivers through her body.

"Quite a position we find ourselves in hm Hedwig?"

"I-I… I said no teasing…"

"No you did not. But who said I am teasing you." he leaned forward a bit, his hand on either side of her head as his face was was close enough for her to feel his breath on her lips.

"What if I am not teasing you right now…" he whispered softly, igniting a fire in her. "What would you do? Would you kiss me back? Would you raise your hips and allow me to remove the few barriers between us? Would you give yourself to me?"

"I… Harry I… we…"

"Tell me we can't. Tell me no and I will stop. You know I would never force you into anything…"

"Harry… please…" she whimpered pitifully, and gasped as his lips found the side of her neck.

"Please what Hedwig? Tell me what you want, what you need ."

"I… I…"

"Excuse me my lord, but it appears Draco Malfoy is requesting your presence." It was the portrait of Salazar Slytherin that interrupted their moment. Since no one save for a Parselmouth could open the chamber the room itself was designed so that it would alert anyone inside if someone wanted access.

"Ah of course." the boy replied, before pulling his torso away from the girl who was panting on his bed. "It appears you will have more time than you thought to make your decision but…"

His hands found her hips, and he rubbed himself up against her junction, earning a soft moan as the pale legs spread farther to encourage him.

"What a lovely feeling… hopefully we will be able to explore it a bit more later…" With that he departed, allowing his companion to catch her breath, calm her emotions, and take stock of her undeniable feelings.


Harry Potter wandered through the hallways alone, and he found this far more desirable than spending his evening in the Main Hall. Last year he had made a mistake and was forced to deal with an evening long celebration about the destruction of the Dark Lord… and thus his parents' murder.

By the end of the evening he had been rather close to snapping the first person's neck that he ran into, luckily for him a Troll had been snuck into the castle, thus allowing him to relieve his annoyances by turning a boy into a puddle of blood and various other fluids.

This year there wasn't such an opportunity, and although it was a rather enticing idea to find someone to murder it would also make his remaining years a tad more irritating than they would normally be. He could only hope that whatever 'danger' he had been warned about made itself known soon, otherwise drastic measures would need to be taken in order to bring some excitement into his life.

Upon turning the corner the boy froze, and a cruel smile emerged on his face. Before him laid a student, frozen in place. They appeared to be alive… but petrified.

Finally, something interesting happened.


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