Tonks’ Dark Secret

"Father, I wish to speak with you about something."

"Oh, and what is that Draco?"

"I heard rumors that Sirius Black has escaped."

"He has"

"I would like to request that we offer protection to Harry Potter this summer, surely Black would not…"

"I will not entertain the boy who defeated my Lord in my own home, Draco."

"But father he is powerful, I informed you last summer that…"

"You told me what you saw not what is true. Your knowledge and skill in the magical arts have not matured enough to understand what true power is Draco. Rumors are being whispered amongst those of us not in Azkaban that the Dark Lord is working on his return. When he does you will be taking the Dark Mark as my heir."

"I have already pledged my allegiances father, I will not forsake my oaths."

"You are a child Draco. You know not what you were doing, you will show your loyalty to the Dark Lord upon his return. If you insist on continuing communication with Potter then you will use this friendship to turn him over to our Lord's whims."

"I will not!"

" Draco " the elder Malfoy growled as he grabbed his son by the front of his shirt, in menacing fashion. "I grow tired of this fantasy you have created concerning Potter. You will respect your betters!"

"I do respect them father, and hopefully one day you see that before we end up on opposite sides of…"

The slap that echoed through the room was the only indicator of how Draco found himself lying on the floor, a red mark across his face as his father stared coldly down at him.

"This year Draco… this year you will see the folly in your ways and take the Mark. This year you will understand where your place is, and who your true Lord is."

With that the man turned and departed, leaving Draco to slowly pick himself up while muttering under his breath.

"One of us will…"


"I have a problem Hes…"

"I don't understand why I let you call me that, considering your own feelings towards your first name Tonks."

The Metamagus merely grinned, before pulling a bottle of alcohol from her fridge, "Because I bought the booze."

"Fair enough, so what's been going on hero ."

"Ugh, not you too…"

"Oh come on, you killed a Basilisk single-handedly did you really not expect any fame to come with that?"

"I just… don't feel like I deserve it…"

Hestia Jones waved off her friends complaint. "Girl if anyone deserves the fame and fortune it is you… so long as you do not forget us measly commoners afterwards."

"I will never forget you Hes…"

The woman grinned, before taking a drink from the bottle. "Alright, so answer the question. What has been going on with you?"

"I… have been dating a lot recently."

"Oh? Finally decided to get back out there after finishing Auror training eh? Any cute guys?"

"Eight dates in a month… and they have all been losers or creeps."

The woman's smile dropped, "I'm sorry Tonks but… eight ? Who are you trying to get out of your head?"

The Auror laughed, they had both established the theory that when someone went on multiple dates in a short time span that the person was trying to forget about another individual.

"You know me too well… listen Hes, I can trust you to keep a secret right?"

"Yeah, course you can."

"I'm serious here, if you tell anyone… I could end up in prison."

The slightly older girl's smile fell from her face, "Tonks, what is going on? I promise you that I won't tell anyone as long as you aren't trying to kill yourself or something like that."

"I… had a relationship a couple months ago…"

"Oh… you mean like when you were on duty."


"Tonks it is fine, not like you are the first one to date a coworker or anything."

"No it isn't that… I was working at Hogwarts Hes."

"You… dated a student?"

"I wouldn't really call it dating…"

"You… oh my God you slept with a student!?"

"But… why did you…"

"I DON'T KNOW!" the Metamorph screamed, as she stood and began pacing, finally breaking down under the stress she had been putting herself through. "It isn't like I want to be attracted to him! And I don't fancy anyone else at that entire bloody place! I mean hell I barely even want to have kids now! There is just… I just don't know!"

"Okay, okay calm down before you hurt yourself. Who was it?"

The mumbled reply earned a sigh from the friend, "I can't understand you when you talk like…"



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