Harry and Aurora Sinistra

"Oooo what about that store next?"

"Wherever you want to go Moon Princess, as I mentioned before it is your birthday."

Luna nodded excitedly before doing a bit of 'window shopping'. In the meantime the boy had halted and turned to eye a large black dog that was happily trotting around. It too froze, and turned to make eye contact with him.

For a moment it seemed as though the world melted away as Sirius Black and Harry Potter stared at each other, then another second passed before a dark smile crossed the boy-who-lived's face. Turning he continued after his companion, leaving a confused Animagus behind.


"Did you have fun today Luna?"

"I did my Lord! You bought me so many pretty things!"

"I am glad you enjoyed them. So is there anything you did not get for your birthday that you wanted?"

"Just one."


Her blue eyes sparkled excited as she nodded, before grabbing his hand and dragging him from the couch and towards her room. "The only other thing I want is for you to take this pretty dress off of me."

The boy chuckled as he shook his head, giving up trying to argue with the girl.


"Hello Harry."

"Hello Professor Sinistra."

"Oh please, just call me Aurora. You are staying with me for the next week, no need to be so formal."

"Of course Aurora."

The dark-skinned woman smiled warmly, before showing him to his room. "I hope you have had a good summer so far Harry."

"I have, and yours?"

"A bit… lonely I will admit." In truth the professor had felt as thought something was missing or, despite her own denials, someone .

"Well luckily I can help fix that."

"Yes, it will be nice having someone to talk to."

The boy nodded before setting his trunk onto the floor and jumping back onto the bed with a slight bounce. "So what would you like to talk about Aurora ?"

There had been something in his voice, some huskiness in his tone that broke whatever 'professional' barriers the woman had attempted to construct. Without another word she stepped into the room, closing the door behind her as she slowly advanced towards the boy.

"Oh… I can think of a few things…"


"Greetings my Lord" Draco Malfoy happily proclaimed as he took a seat across from the raven-haired boy, who was just finishing up with a fairly large book.

"Hello Draco, how was your summer?"

"Dull, who knew that two months sitting around a mansion with nothing to do could be boring."


"What about you? What have you been up to?"

Just as he was about to answer the door opened, allowing for Blaise, Greg, Vincent, and Pansy to enter with their respective greetings.

"Not much, being moved between various safe houses in order to avoid a crazed maniac hell-bent on killing me, all the while seducing various Witches to have sex for hours upon end."

Everyone simply stared dumbstruck at the boy, and he was quite sure he could detect more than a little jealousy in Pansy's eyes

"Lucky bastard…"

Draco managed to swat the dark skinned boy over the back of the head, and gave a sharp glare to follow. "I-I mean… I am incredibly impressed my Lord."

Harry merely chuckled, "Seduction is an easy skill Blaise, all you need to understand is what attracts the person you are with and change to accommodate."

"Sure it sounds easy," Vincent grumbled from nearby, "but it can't be that simple."

Emerald-eyes flashed in amusement, before turning onto the only female in the carriage, who swallowed nervously. "So Pansy, "

Again there was a certain tone in his voice that seemed to warm the entire room. "How was your summer?"

"I-I… umm… It was uh good…"

"Oh? Anything exciting happen? Any boys I should be jealous of?"

The girl discreetly rubbed her thighs together, before taking another attempt at a calming breath. "N-no o-of course not…"

"Hmmm, I am so glad to hear that. I so missed your company over those two months. Why it seemed like I could not go a day or night without thinking of you."

The boys watched in awe as the girl seemed her have a full-face blush, before squirming nervously. "O-oh…"

"Would you like to sit a bit… closer to me Pansy?"

The girl nodded shyly, before standing and moving towards the empty seat next to him, only to have a hand reach and and pull her onto his lap.

"Oops… I hope this isn't… too close."

"N-n-n…" Words failed to describe the warmth rushing through her body, the images in her mind about how truly close they were. Although the other could not tell their positioning was such that if they weren't wearing clothes they would be dangerously close to having sex.

"It really is quite convenient of them to require such long robes don't you think?" At this point he was practically whispering in her ear. "Imagine what activities we could be doing under them and no one even know…"

Pansy was moments away from slipping her hands between them to free 'him' and push aside her own knickers when the train came to a screeching halt, and the lights began to flicker.


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