An Oath of Loyalty


"Padfoot, Moony I got your card, what do you wish to discuss."

"Your gift cub." the Werewolf replied, glancing over at his friend, who nodded in agreement. After this there would be no going back, not that either had the slightest doubt to begin with.

"You realize that neither of you need to get me anything. One of you is still on the run and I understand you have monetary issues of your own due to the current government Moony."

"That is why we thought of something a little more… practical." The Black heir intoned, before kneeling on one leg, along with the other Marauder.

"I, Sirius Orion 'Padfoot' Black do hereby swear loyalty to you, Harry James 'pup' Potter."

"I, Remus 'Moony' Lupin do hereby swear loyalty to you, Harry James 'cub' Potter."

The boy merely stared at them, before smiling and gesturing for them to rise. "I hope you both know what you are getting yourselves into."

"Doesn't matter pup, I swore to be with you back when you were a baby and I let you down. I am not going to leave you again."

"Well then I do suppose this makes you two the oldest of my official followers."

"Just promise us one thing cub?"

"And that is?"

Both men looked at each other, before grinning, "That when you take over the World you give us really cool positions in your new empire."

The boy chuckled, before nodding, "But of course Lord Padfoot, Lord Moony."


"Tracey, I understand what you want but I don't want my first time to be a threesome!"

The third-year rolled her eyes at her best friend's exaggeration. Sure, she had suggested that they both offer to give their Lord a more 'personal' gift but it didn't mean that it had to be sex . "I didn't say go all the way Daph, I was suggesting something more along the lines of maybe half-way."

"So, what, snog the life out of him?"

"Or something else involving our mouths."


"What? Don't act like you don't eavesdrop on the older girls. Haven't you ever been just a bit curious ? Wonder what it would be like having him completely under your power? Have his pleasure under your control, his attention focused on you ?"

"W-well I mean…" the Greengrass heiress stuttered, before falling silent. Sure, she had been having a few more vivid dreams lately involving a certain emerald-eyed Wizard and considerably less clothing than they wore during class but that didn't mean she was willing to go that far. Hell, she had just managed to talk her younger sister into waiting at least another year before approaching Harry herself.

"Plus think of it this way Daph, if it is both of us then you don't have to be as nervous. You can just pretend he is focused on me." Tracey remarked in a slight teasing undertone. They both knew how secretly competitive the Pureblood could get.

"I… I'm just not ready for this yet. I mean we are only thirteen for Merlin sake! M-maybe next year…"

The other teen pouted, before earning her one of 'those' looks from her friend. "Fine fine we will wait… on one condition."

"Which is…" Daphne already had the sneaking suspicion that this was going to come back to bite her in the arse.

"We have a threesome next year. It doesn't have to be your first time, but I want to watch Harry turn the famous 'ice queen' into a moaning little skank."

"Why you!"

The 'insulted' Witch promptly threw a pillow at her best friend, earning one to the face in retaliation before they devolved into a full out 'battle'.


"What are we doing out here my Lord?" The blonde Ravenclaw inquired as she walked, arm intertwined, with the boy for support as they made their way across the newly fallen January snow. Harry had promised her an 'exciting day' and had even included several of those from his group of followers when they had finally returned from the holiday break.

"Simple my dear, I have decided to give you the rest of your Christmas present, the others are here to observe as well. This is not just a gift to you, but to our society."

The young girl nodded as she glanced back at the Slytherins, and a few Gryffindors, following behind them. Even Hermione Granger had opted to join with Ginny, which made the blonde even happier. She could only hope that this would be as exhilarating as her heart, and mind, was making it.

The group continued along until reaching a small alcove just outside of the Hogwarts Ward system. There several gasps were heard as they stumbled upon a group of students tied, while gagged, to wooden poles.

"Wh-what is…" Neville stuttered out in shock, before Luna burst into happy tears and hugged the raven-haired boy. The rest of the students merely stared in confusion.

"Oh, thank you my Lord! Thank you so much!"

"L-Luna, what is… who are…" the youngest Weasley inquired, more than a little confused and frightened.

"They are the ones who continuously bullied my dear Moon Princess, her personal demons so to speak." came the answer, along with a rather dark smile from their leader.

"What are you going to do to them?" It wasn't an accusation, and Hermione Granger was rather shocked at herself that she didn't feel bad for these other teens in the least. She had long since put bullies in the same category as rapists and murderers. Anyone who could willingly pick on someone as innocent as the young girl mere feet from her deserved whatever was coming to them.

"I won't be doing anything; however, they will be 'fed' to my friends. This will be the first step to transforming the world my dear Hermione. Their deaths will be the catalyst for change to improve everyone's lives, through them the failing government will be toppled, and the prejudices that have long since governed so many futures burned away."

Seconds later all understood, as Dementors swarmed into the area, their presence on the followers halted by the Lord, while the bound individuals screamed in silent terror.

"Y-you are going to kill them…"

"Yes Neville, I am. I warned all of you that there would be deaths at some point, but if you do not wish to witness this you are free to leave." The Longbottom heir tried to watch, but the moment that the first monster closed in on the helpless individual he turned and left, emptying his stomach after making it to the Wards.

One by one the souls were ripped away from the teenagers and devoured by the monstrosities. Afterwards the beasts departed, leaving several pale, and a few who watched on with glee, behind.

"How did you enjoy your gift my dear?"

Luna's smile brightened ever further, "It was perfect my Lord!"


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