The man slid a Wand into his hand, and someone screamed in panic. A dozen adults went for their own but were too late as the traitor was bound, gagged, paralyzed, and stunned in an instant. Even Amelia Bones gaped as the boy-who-lived continued pointing his Wand at the man.
"Too slow Peter…"
"I do believe this brings quite a few things into question…" The head of the DMLE muttered as Aurors moved forward to apprehend the man.
"Those children did not need to die, if someone had spent ten minutes researching the man they would have found what I did. I sent a letter to Lord Malfoy because my godfather, Sirius Black, suggested him as someone who could be trusted, who had political power and neutrality in the situation, and as a family friend considering he is married to Lord Black's cousin Lady Narcissa." Harry called out, eyes never wavering from the bound form.
"As much as I hate to do this following a tragedy some things cannot wait." The elder Malfoy announced, as he made a sweeping gesture. "I call for a vote of 'no confidence' in Minster Fudge. It was his orders that sent the monstrosities to Hogwarts and his that are ultimately responsible for the creatures that attacked and took so many innocent lives. The Minister should have done his due diligence prior to the deployment of Dementors rather than relying on a schoolboy to do so for him."
Nods and shouts of agreement sounded from the members of the Wizengamot, wanting to distance themselves from the, now trembling, political leader as quickly as possible. Like rats from a sinking ship.
"I hereby announce my own candidacy for Minister of Magic. For too long have we had stagnation rather than continuing forward. Too long have we depended on others to solve our problems while the government does nothing but hold us back, but most importantly for too long has our leader jumped into poor choices without even bothering to look for himself… and we have paid for it."
Several others quickly announced themselves as well, including Amelia Bones, while Harry departed from the podium, making his way back to where the Slytherins sat.
"Mr. Potter, what about you? Who do you support?"
He turned slightly, looking into the eyes of the assembled reporters. "I chose Lord Malfoy to trust before, I would choose him again."
"Lucius… how could you?"
The blonde halted, before shifting so that he could just make out the, soon to be former, Minister of Magic.
"I am not sure I understand Minister."
"Y-you betrayed me! You told all those terrible lies! You manipulated and deceived the boy!"
"I did nothing of the sort. I do not owe you any allegiances, so I cannot betray you. I do not recall lying even one time during that speech, and I assure you that I did not deceive nor manipulate Harry Potter. He was the one who came to me with the information on your… failure ."
"I… I did not fail!"
"Sirius Black is innocent, and you did not even bother with researching your 'plan' before placing Dementors at the school." Despite his monotone the Malfoy Lord was more than a little angry at the useless man before him. Draco had written him home about the attack during Quidditch, and the fact that he only survived due to 'outside interference'. He had later learned that this was due to Harry himself.
If Fudge's stupidity had cost him his son, and more importantly heir, the man would have found that being tossed out of office to be the least of his concerns.
"I-I-I… there wasn't time! The man was sent to Azkaban, who was I to question…"
" Exactly, and that is the reason you are not fit to lead this country. You are weak. Weak willed and pathetic. You follow where you should lead and nod your empty head where you should question. You are a dog, not a man. Men lead Cornelius, while you, as the dog you are, should simply stick to following."
"Harry, why didn't you tell us?" Dumbledore quietly inquired as he sat with Amelia Bones and the boy. He had softly asked the teen to follow to his office after the press conference to get the facts and answers straight.
"If a thirteen-year-old boy approached you claiming that a man who everyone knew was guilty was actually innocent but had no proof what would you say?"
Albus wanted to reply that he would have investigated the situation and taken the student's word… but with everything else going on there was little truth in that statement. "I see your point, but Lucius Malfoy of all people?"
"He is Draco's father after all and married to Narcissa Black."
"Also, a former Death Eater." Amelia pointed out, breaking her silence.
"Over a decade ago perhaps, but I doubt anyone is completely free from sin or wrong doings. Surely you two have killed and done a few deeds that were not quite as innocent as you would have hoped."
Both adults nodded sadly, war did tend to bring out the worst in all involved.
"Besides, I needed someone with enough political knowledge and power to back my statement. It would be hard to find someone like that in Slytherin who wasn't somehow associated with the darker arts."
"Nor should we condemn them for having that interest, you are correct Harry I apologize for my statement."
The teen merely smiled and waved him off, "I am not upset Headmaster, I am simply glad that justice was served. I only wish it had been sooner."
"As do I my boy, as do I."
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