A New Era Begins

"What do you plan on doing now Lucius? I thought you would still be celebrating your victory."

The blonde glanced up from his paperwork as his beautiful wife entered his private study. "The time for celebrations is over, now I must make use of this new power."

"And how will you do that? I do so hope you will not be spoiling Draco more than you already have."

His mouth twitched slightly, barely avoiding the urge to grin, perhaps he did spend a bit too much time and money on his son, but after being introduced to Harry Potter it had been more than worth it.

"No, of course not. However, we will need to speak with him this summer concerning his attitude and comments at school. He now reflects us and the government whether he realizes it or not."

"I suppose so, does this mean our summer vacation will be canceled?"

"Yes, if I had come into office a few months prior perhaps I could have afforded to still attend but…"

"I understand. A pity, Draco was looking forward to spending time with his betrothed." Narcissa noted with a bit of sadness in her voice. The summers were one of the few times that she left the house for more than just social gatherings with the other wives.

"You are upset by the cancellation." the man intoned, earning a nod from the Witch. "I expect this will worsen as time goes on and I am home less and less, even during the summers."

"I expected this eventually, we both dreamed of you taking office after all."

"Perhaps, but this does raise another topic I wished to speak with you about, something that might improve your mood."


Lucius nodded, he wasn't quite sure how his wife would take this conversation, but usually it was met with excitement, especially among the older generations who had settled into a more monotonous lifestyle. He was also very aware of his own lack of 'physical relationships' with the woman whose drive had never ceased in that area.

"You likely have heard that Draco has sworn loyalty to the Potter heir."

She bristled slightly, her back straightening just a bit as her eyes narrowed. "I have" was the curt reply.

"It was he who set the stage for my ascension. Without him I have no doubt Fudge would be remaining in office."

If possible, her eyes darkened even more, "And?"

"There is a possibility that I too will be taking an oath towards him this year, if that happens you know what is to be expected."

Her face went into a full 'Slytherin' sneer as she practically hissed at her husband. "So, I am to drop to my knees before a child then? Or perhaps he will prefer our marriage bed, and me on all fours like a common animal!?"

"Narcissa, you know this is the way of…"

"Do not 'Narcissa' me Lucius! You were not the one humiliated the last time you swore allegiances, or do I need to remind you?"

"You do not." The Malfoy Lord remembered all too well of what she spoke of. Upon swearing an oath to a new Lord, it was tradition for the servants to offer either themselves, their spouse, or even a mistress, to the Lord for his or her pleasure and use. Often this was refused, whether it was due to those in power being uninterested, already married, or simply not attracted to those being offered. Regardless the rejection was often very formal, and no harm was done to their honor.

If the Lord accepted not only would the individual being offered raised up, but so too would their family due to the privilege of being desirable.

Narcissa had offered herself to Voldemort… and he had laughed at her, mocked her appearance, and even ridiculed her blood purity. It had been more than just a slap to the face for the Malfoy family, but also to the Black family and the woman herself. Lucius had been forced to redeem the honor himself and had nearly worked to death to do so for over a month.

"The Dark Lord was… of different tastes. You know he refused Bellatrix as well…"

"I am well aware, I spent more than a few nights talking to her and listening to her whine and cry about it."

"From what I have heard about Potter… he is far more carnal in those regards. Do not pretend as though you are not interested in the idea of a younger lover."

The former Black paused, it had been years since Lucius had bothered to even look at her in anyway more than as a business partner. Once she had conceived for the required heir it had been the end of their, rather lackluster, love life. Unfortunately, with her husband's presence in the political world they had both agreed that affairs were not an option. If either partook in such sin, and were discovered, it would be disastrous for not only themselves, but their child as well.

"Do not think too much into it" the man interrupted, ripping her from her thoughts, "this may never even come to pass. Rumors circulate of the Dark Lord's return even now, and we may be called into his service once more."

For a moment Narcissa felt an odd sense of disappointment. Perhaps her life had become so mundane that even the briefest spark of excitement was enough to cause her to fantasize. Regardless she would do what was necessary. Bowing, the woman turned and departed, intent on taking either a very warm soak in their private bath… or a very cold shower.

Lucius, on the other hand, turned his attention back to his paperwork, a formal investigation, and pardon, for an old family friend, Bellatrix Lestrange. Potter had inadvertently opened the door into such precedents with the discovery of Sirius Black's innocence. Now the paperwork for new, and easily rigged, trials was easier to push through than Hogsmeade permission slips.


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