Transformation Triumph

Harry shut his eyes as he concentrated. He pictured the panther in his mind and began building his magic up inside himself. He let it flow through his entire body until he could feel it from his toes all the way to his fingers and head. He then focused his magic into that of the panther transformation and pictured a panther in his mind. Once in focus, he willed his magic to make it happen.

He could feel himself changing all over. He sunk down onto all four legs and whipped his tail back and forth. Opening his eyes, he found himself lower to the ground than he had been when he'd closed them. He could see his godfather smiling at him proudly and knew that he had transformed perfectly. He bounded about the room and pounced at his godfather unexpectedly, pinning him to the ground. Harry rolled off and reemerged in his human form.

"I'll get you for that," Sirius threatened as he rubbed his back. "Did you have to be so rough? I'm not as young as I used to be, you know?"

"Sorry," Harry said around a sheepish grin. "Couldn't help myself."

"Well if you're done savagely attacking me for the moment, perhaps you'd like to give the owl a shot," Sirius input, still rubbing his back.

"Whatever you say, old man," Harry retorted teasingly. He closed his eyes and repeated the process of building up his magic. This time he changed it slightly to reflect his owl form, then pictured the owl in his mind. He willed his magic to make the transformation. When he opened his eyes he felt shrunken; he was even lower to the ground than before. He stretched out his wings and beat them experimentally. He rose from the ground a couple inches before sinking right back down.

He began flapping his wings tentatively and lifted himself off the ground. He flew around the room slowly gathering his bearings before swooping around the room, delighting in his newfound freedom. He could fly! He swooped toward his godfather who ducked out of the way. He swung himself around and moved toward Sirius slowly this time and perched on his shoulder. His godfather stroked the feathers on his neck a couple times before Harry took off again. He landed on the ground this time and was replaced by human Harry moments later, a large smile plastered across his face.

"That was incredible!" Harry exclaimed.

Sirius only cocked an eyebrow and let his godson continue.

"I've always loved flying, but this is so much different than flying on a broomstick. This is just me in the air completely free. I can't wait to fly out in the sky in the open air, free as a bird," Harry said wistfully.

Sirius smiled at Harry's excitement. "That's actually a good idea. You should spend some time each day in your animus forms to get used to moving around and using the different muscles of the animals. The only trouble will be finding a place where you can do so inconspicuously."

"Well I'm not going to find anyplace suitable in Little Whinging. I would need to go someplace like the Forbidden Forest or perhaps even the forest around the Burrow," Harry thought out loud, grinning widely.

Sirius let go of a sigh knowing that Harry was right. He would need to use long distance apparation to find a suitable place. "You're right. I just wish there was someone we could have keep an eye on you just in case."

"You worry too much, Siriu,s" Harry replied. "I'll be fine. I haven't had any trouble at all with my apparation, and I'm able to apparate all around Little Whinging without any difficulty. There's nothing to worry about."

Sirius let go of another sigh. "It's not that I doubt your abilities Harry, but this is the first time you've ever tried anything like this. Things could easily go wrong."

"I'll be extra careful about it. I promise," Harry replied.

"All right," Sirius finally conceded.

Harry could only grin at the man who was the closest thing to a father he had ever known.


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