Arranging the Transfer of Vault Control

"I could have an official notice sent to Mr. Dumbledore giving him until the end of the month to hand over control to you before it is forcibly taken from him if you would like," the goblin offered.

"That would be perfect. Thank you for your help," Harry replied politely. That would give Dumbledore about two weeks to give Harry control to his family vault. "In the meantime, can I visit my vault please?" Harry asked the goblin.

"Certainly," the goblin replied. "Griphook! Take Mr. Potter to his vault please."

The familiar goblin waved Harry forward and led him to a cart that would take them down to the vaults.

"It's nice to see you again, Griphook," Harry said politely.

"Beg your pardon?" was Griphook's startled reply.

"Oh, you probably don't remember me. You took me down to my vault the first time I was ever here five years ago. I was with my friend Hagrid at the time," Harry explained.

"I remember perfectly," the goblin replied. "You were with the half-giant that day. I was just surprised you remembered me. Most humans don't pay attention to us goblins. We're all the same to them."

"Oh, well I know lots of wizards treat magical creatures as beneath them, but I never bought into any of that. I have friends who are house elves, werewolves, half-giants, and half-veela. One of my best friends started up an organization to promote elfish welfare," Harry elucidated.

"Well Mr. Potter, you are certainly unique among your kind," the goblin stated.

"Please, just call me Harry."

"Very well, Harry," said Griphook. "I hope you don't find me too presumptuous, but why have you dyed your hair to another color? Your hair was black the last time we met."

"I don't want anyone to notice me while I'm walking around Diagon Alley today. Not only would any death eaters who saw me try to either capture or kill me, but Dumbledore and his followers would try to capture me as well. So it's best if nobody knows who I really am," Harry explained.

The cart suddenly stopped. "We have arrived. Key?" Griphook held out his hand.

Harry handed over the key and grabbed the lantern as he exited the cart after the goblin. Griphook opened the vault door, and Harry stepped inside. He began filling his money pouch, and it was soon stuffed to the brim with galleons.

"Might I make a suggestion, Harry?" Griphook asked.

"Of course" Harry replied.

"You seem to be withdrawing quite a bit of gold today. Would it not be easier to just use one of our bottomless money bags?" Griphook asked.

Harry looked at Griphook questioningly for a moment before asking the obvious question. "What's a bottomless money bag exactly?"

Griphook looked surprised that Harry had never heard of one before. "It is a bag that is linked directly to your vault. You just state the amount of money you need, and it will be automatically transferred from your account to the bag."

"Brilliant!" Harry exclaimed. "How can I get one?"

"If you'll just follow me back to the cart and up to the surface, I can arrange everything for you. There is an initial fee of 35 galleons go get you set up with the bag and an additional 15 galleons per month after that. For an extra 5 galleons we can key extra people to your bag. Only one who has been keyed will be able to withdraw money from your account through the bag. That way nobody but yourself or anyone you designate will be able to take money from your account, so you need not fear if you lose the bag." Griphook explained.

"Great" Harry said as he dumped the contents of his bag and counted out 35 galleons. He turned to Griphook and said "Lead on."

And so, twenty minutes later, Griphook handed Harry the bag that was now linked directly to his account that would allow him to withdraw any amount at any given time. Before he left Harry asked the goblin "Do you have a record of how much gold I have in my account? I don't want to end up spending all my money without even realizing it."

"Of course, Mr. Pot - I mean Harry. Let me just find the latest statement," Griphook responded as he began rifling through some files. "Ah, here it is. You have in your personal account an amount equaling 51,213 galleons, 7 sickles, and 3 knuts. Your money is not all in that form, obviously, but that is the total amount of money available to you."

"Wow," Harry sputtered. "Thanks Griphook; you've been a big help."


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