
"It is still weak," Psyros commented.

Luca was still in a daze and asked, "How. how is this possible?"

"I don't know," Psyros said. "I have never seen such a thing before."

His eyes still wide with surprise, Luca's determination forced them shut as he clenched his fists. "Let me show you just how much I've improved."

And in a sudden movement, Luca entered his Symbiote state, breaking the ground beneath him. His hands morphed into razor-sharp claws; his back and shoulders wrapped with thick, dark armor; his presence darkening, his frame more imposing than ever. He clapped his hands together and spread them. Above him, a dozen small purple flames appeared, dancing with power. Luca focused and directed the flames to shoot toward a faraway mountain. The flames could cut through the air with ease and pierce through the mountain as if it were paper, leaving a gaping hole in its surface.