The Unknown

The feeling of his returned energy coursing through him, Latum sprang quickly up onto his feet, his eyes scanning the crumbling building as it shook beneath him in an earthquake strong enough to rock the entire foundation. He steadied himself, and his wings spread wide as he launched himself high into the air with a single strong leap.

High above, hovering, he managed to scan over the horizon. Suddenly, his gaze landed on a ghastly, grim, bloodcurdling spectacle. Far away, the dragon race village, his home, was attacked, violently erupting into explosions and heavy smoke clouds, wildly twisting up toward the sky. Seeing a figure looming amidst the chaos—a familiar figure, attractive and ominous—the form of Atum-Latum's chest constricted. In his hands, he carried a large weapon exuding dark energies—a weapon feared in all realms, serving only one purpose: the eradication of symbiotes.