Echoes of Suspicion

"And then, everyone thinks I'm the one who opened the bloody Chamber!" said Harry heatedly. "What's wrong with these people? Can't they see that I am a half-blood myself? My own mother was a Muggle-born, so why would I want to attack them? Wouldn't that make me a hypocrite?"

Sirius looked at him, his grey eyes full of concern; the eyes that had still not fully lost the haunted look Azkaban had given him. He sat down next to Harry and pulled the boy into a tight hug. Harry stiffened at first, but after several seconds, slowly melted into the embrace.

"I'm so sorry that you were forced into this situation, Harry," muttered Sirius, slowly rubbing his back, pressing a tender kiss on the forehead.

"But you have no proof to say that you didn't do it either. No one is directly accusing you and there is no way anyone can arrest you, so all they can do is whisper. Amelia tried to get involved, but apparently Dumbledore had gotten Fudge to sign an order to say that he would take care of it and not push it forward to the D.M.L.E. Normally, others wouldn't be able to do something like this, but Dumbledore is also the Chief Warlock, the other most powerful post in the country. People always seem to forget the office he holds, thinking that being Hogwarts headmaster is the one which gives him most power, but it's not true. It is his Chief Warlock and Supreme Mugwump positions that give him true power. What Dumbledore wants, Dumbledore gets."

Harry sighed, rubbing his eyes tiredly. It had been a long two weeks and he had exams to write the next day at the Ministry.

"Do you want me to pull you from Hogwarts?" asked Sirius. "I can hire tutors, if you'd like, or maybe send you abroad."

"It's not that bad, Sirius," said Harry, with a small smile, his green eyes strangely soft with affection as he looked at his godfather. "It's the way they're treating me that's annoying, nothing more. I'm not going to let it affect my education. I'll be taking my O.W.L.s in June and I can't let these morons distract me."

Before the older wizard could respond, they were soon joined by his fiancée who had just Flooed in from the Ministry.

"Hey, you two," Amelia greeted them as she entered the drawing room of Black Manor, looking tired. Without preamble, she continued, "I was right the first time, Harry. There is no mention of the Chamber of Secrets being opened anywhere in the Ministry archives. If there is a story behind it, no one is talking. Even if there were recorded documents, they were probably erased or destroyed. I don't even know if it happened, so we can forget about finding out when ."

Sirius frowned. "You said you could hear the voice of the creature?"

"Yes," answered Harry. "I couldn't hear it properly, but it was definitely speaking. I could understand it. The creatures that can speak English are Acromantulas, Sphinxes, Centaurs and Manticores, and none of them cause petrification."

"What you heard might be Parseltongue," observed Amelia. "After all, to you, it's the same as hearing it in English, right? Salazar's pet being a snake is quite fitting."

"Maybe… But what sort of creature can do this? The only thing I can think of is -"

"- a basilisk," finished Sirius. "You're right. But the stare of a basilisk kills, it does not petrify. Besides, the thought of a thirty-foot long snake is horrifying to even think about!"

"There is no way it's a basilisk, Sirius," countered Harry, shaking his head. "A basilisk is too large to be the creature we're looking for and how do you expect it to move around the school without being detected? Something that big cannot hide! That's one thing we can safely remove from our list of suspects."

"And a good thing too," said Amelia darkly. "A basilisk will cause an international red alert because it can be used for mass destruction. A team from the I.C.W. and from the resident magical government will be sent immediately to kill the creature."

"Why is that?" asked Sirius, confused. "After all, there are several Nundus in the wild, not to mention Dragons and Acromantulas. They're all extremely dangerous creatures, so why are basilisks alone marked as such?"

"Because unlike dragons and nundus, basilisks can be fully controlled by a Parselmouth," replied Amelia. "This is actually classified information which I gained access to when I was appointed the Head of the D.M.L.E. Can you imagine the damage someone like Voldemort could do if he gained access to a basilisk? He could wreak havoc on scales we can't even imagine!"

"True," Harry murmured, tilting his head to the side. There was something nagging him at the back of his mind, but he couldn't figure out what. There was something he was missing; the answer felt so close and yet so far away! Unfortunately, the foreign information in his mind seemed to be blocked to him by a barrier. There were small cracks in the barrier, from what he could describe, but most of it was on the other side, not accessible to him. He shook his head to clear his thoughts; he couldn't dwell on it now. He had other important things to do.

"I'm going to bed," he said, getting to his feet. "I have to go to the Ministry tomorrow for the fourth year exams. Good night."

"Sweet dreams," said Sirius as he looked at Harry walk upstairs to his bedroom at Black Manor. He turned to Amelia. "They cannot legally touch him, can they?"

"No," Amelia said, shaking her head. "He's protected by the law. Being a Parselmouth isn't illegal, though I'm quite surprised he is one. Is he related to the Slytherin family?"

Sirius barked out a laugh. "The Potters are actually the descendants of Gryffindor," he clarified with a smile.

"Trust me, any descendants of Slytherin would never intermarry with them. Besides, it is a misconception that only Slytherins were Parselmouths. My ancestor, Virgo Black, who lived in the thirteenth century, was a Parselmouth, though there has never been another Parselmouth in the Black family since. Harry and I read a book written by him which was in the library here, at the manor. Harry wanted to know why he spoke to the snakes that attacked him and apparently, Parselmouths have some sort of connection to snakes. He couldn't help himself. He did it subconsciously when the snakes were about to bite him."

"Interesting," muttered Amelia.


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