Riddle's Revelations

Everyone watched in silence as Harry talked to Myrtle and then opened the Chamber entrance with the use of Parseltongue. They saw him walk through the dark tunnel and enter the Chamber proper. People gasped when they finally saw what the legendary chamber looked like. It certainly had been preserved over the last thousand years. They saw Harry talking to Tom Riddle and many screamed when Harry said 'Voldemort.'

Harry mentally smirked when he saw Dumbledore's eyes narrow in suspicion.

Memory tampering was indeed quite difficult, even for a very advanced Occlumens, but selective memory recall was not. Harry could not even begin to attempt memory tampering, but he could recall part of the memory and not the rest while he extracted it, thus not giving Dumbledore the information he didn't want him to see - yet. People like Dumbledore and Voldemort who were natural at Legilimency had a much easier time with memory tampering, but Harry's natural talent at Occlumency prevented it. Either way, Harry was quite happy with his work. The memory he had given the headmaster did not contain most of the conversation he had with Riddle or him claiming the Gryffindor title.

They all watched as Harry and Riddle spoke about Ginny opening the Chamber against her will; about how Daphne had figured out how the basilisk moved and Riddle trying to kill her but Daphne's prudence saved her life… they watched Riddle say how similar he and Harry were… there were many stunned faces when Riddle revealed himself as a half-blood and that Voldemort was only a made up name. It certainly debauched people's claims of him being a pureblood when they saw the anagram. To think that the Dark Lord, the person who spouted pureblood propaganda and even killed for it - was the son of a Muggle!

Dumbledore grimaced when Harry's childhood was brought up. Beside him, he could hear Minerva gasp and glare at him. She hadn't known about the abuse and she certainly had warned him against them but he hadn't listened. He mentally frowned when he listened to the next part of Harry's conversation with Riddle.

Many were stunned when Harry revealed a theory about how he survived. Lily Potter having dabbled in the Dark Arts to save her son's life was a monumental revelation and people didn't know what to think about that. Snape looked smug but Dumbledore was frowning heavily. He had thought that Harry had survived because of the power of love, but obviously, that was not true. He would need to get that journal and Lily's notes about the ritual. He wanted to know more about it.

The duel between Harry and Riddle was awe-inspiring for many. Professor McGonagall was overjoyed at Harry's Transfiguration skills and Snape had to grudgingly admit that Harry's knowledge of the spells which were most definitely considered dark by many was good. Flitwick was bouncing in his seat at the outstanding charmwork and everyone cheered when the daggers impacted Riddle, only to gape in shock when nothing happened to him. The fight with the basilisk was terrifying to watch and when Harry stabbed the snake, people screamed in fright. Madam Pomfrey had buried her face in her hands as Harry was slowly poisoned by the deadliest venom on the planet. The entire school exploded in cheers once Harry had destroyed the diary.

Harry had to try very hard to conceal his smirk when everyone realised that the sword belonged to Godric Gryffindor. While it was true that the Potters had not actively suppressed the knowledge that they were descendants of Godric, they didn't advertise it either. It was known only in influential circles in the nobility while the common folk were blissfully unaware of it. So it was quite a shock when they all heard the Sorting Hat tell them that Godric Gryffindor's only daughter had married a Potter.

The ring appearing on his finger had Dumbledore closing his eyes in frustration. Why did things have to get more difficult? Even the information about the Dursleys was manageable, but not this! The fact that Harry was the future Lord Gryffindor would get the liberal faction of the Wizengamot flocking to him! How was Dumbledore supposed to be their leader if they looked up to someone else? He would have to do damage control. Sirius Black already had a grip on the traditionalist faction, Cyrus Greengrass was the leader of the centrists and if Harry had this level of influence over the liberals… he would have to think things through because this could have political repercussions.

When Dumbledore was thinking and the rest of the teachers were celebrating, Severus Snape was mentally scowling. Things had been so good over the past year. He had thought that James Potter's brat was the one attacking the Muggle-borns. He had dreamt happily about the day the boy would finally be taken to Azkaban and he could gloat to Sirius Black. But now, the boy had to go and do this!

"Potter, I think it is time you give the artefact back to the school," said Snape silkily, his voice echoing throughout the Great Hall.

Dumbledore snapped out of his trance. He looked at Snape with his eyebrows raised. Surely Severus was not that desperate to get his revenge on the boy? He should know better! As Headmaster, he knew of the laws surrounding the founding families and he was positive that there was no way that sword was leaving the hands of the Potter family. He should know - James Potter had demanded an Unbreakable Vow just to borrow the Peverell Invisibility Cloak!

"What artefact?" asked Harry, looking at Snape with a straight face. "The Sorting Hat has been returned to the Headmaster."

Dumbledore's beard twitched in amusement, but before he could intervene, Snape said in a dangerous voice, "Five points from Ravenclaw, Potter, for your cheek! I'm talking about the sword! Gryffindor's sword! It belongs to Hogwarts, so return it!"

"And who in Merlin's name told you that Gryffindor's sword belongs to Hogwarts?"


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