The dreams concocted by the then four-year-old boy had never truly vanished in Harry's heart, who still longed to have parents. From reading their journals, he knew that James and Lily Potter had loved him with every inch of their hearts, but it didn't discount the fact that his godfather, Sirius Black, had done everything possible to provide for him over the past year and a half. He had constantly showered Harry with attention and affection, something which Amelia had done as well, both of them coming to the Shrieking Shack nearly every alternate day to teach Harry more magic and spend time with him. The way Sirius had done his best to protect him from the press and the general public, and the affection shining in those haunted grey eyes still moved Harry deeply.
"Of course I consider you my son," said Sirius patiently. "I know that you are James and Lily's son, and I have my own son who is to be born in a few months, but it doesn't discount the fact that I promised your parents and myself that I would take care of you the moment your father placed you in my arms the day you were born. I swore an oath on my magic to always be there for you, Harry, and I will honour that promise till my death. I know that I'm not James or Lily, but I am always here for you when you need me and if that requires me to be strict with you and hand out punishments, that's what I'm going to do."
Harry swallowed thickly as his eyes grew misty. Sirius hugged the teary boy sitting next to him and rubbed his back soothingly.
Harry hugged Sirius tightly as silent tears rolled down his cheeks, long buried emotions resurfacing as he finally reconciled with his childhood, accepting it for what it was, something he had never been able to do. He felt as though a massive weight had been lifted off his shoulders as he put the issue of the Dursleys behind him. The scars would never disappear, but he now had the strength to wear them without hating that part of himself.
"Thanks, Sirius," said Harry softly, wiping his tears away.
"You're welcome, Harry."
Even though Dumbledore had cancelled the exams for the rest of the school, the fifth and seventh-year students still had to finish theirs. Harry was busy studying for his incoming O.W.L.s, so he didn't bother with what was going on outside. The news about the Daily Prophet changing ownership and its shift to the Magical Daily created a storm in Magical Britain. Many were wondering what the hell had happened as they all had vested interest in the largest media outlet in the country. Any and all information pertaining to Frank Olive was accessed by several people, but none of them could find him. Dumbledore was sure that the man was an alias, but he didn't know who actually owned the paper.
The reactions to the headline later were also entertaining to watch. The fact that the Boy-Who-Lived had wielded the Sword of Godric Gryffindor in defence of the school to kill a basilisk caused people to flock to him again, but Harry now knew that fame was fickle. The Gryffindor Lordship had also been announced and once the Department of Mysteries verified his claim, Sirius was made the regent and another vote made its way to the Wizengamot. Many were now feeling ashamed that they had doubted Harry after this revelation and he did receive several letters of apology. Not that he cared anyway.
The news about the abuse Harry suffered at the hands of his Muggle relatives brought massive outrage from the wizarding public. They were all under the impression that he had been living in a magical home and raised happily, but this was not what they had expected. Dumbledore tried his best to talk his way out of it, but his popularity was on the decline. He had suffered setbacks one by one in the course of two years and he didn't have time to regain the trust of the people and this was certainly a massive backlash.
Sirius and Harry were happy about that because from what Blaise Zabini told Harry who had heard from his mother, the news about him had travelled internationally as well. Harry had become more famous for his defeat of a basilisk and Dumbledore's job had become more difficult at the I.C.W. due to it. Child abuse was something the magical world didn't tolerate at all. Children were considered as the sacred blessing of Mother Magic herself and for them to be tortured to such an extent was not something they could accept.
But the biggest reaction yet was the revelation about Voldemort's ancestry. The entire country was spluttering in disbelief about the fact that a man who had torn their country into pieces and killed innumerable witches and wizards who were purebloods, half-bloods or Muggle-born was actually the son of a Muggle!
It didn't have the impact Harry, Sirius and Dumbledore were hoping for, though. Even though Voldemort was a half-blood, the supremacists would still flock to him if he returned to power because Voldemort had just that - power. He had the power to achieve their goals, not to mention they were all terrified of the Dark Lord.
The same could be said about the common public. They were not cowards; far from it. But the last war had been brutal. Anyone caught saying something vocal against the Dark Lord had ended up dead or had disappeared. Anyone trying to fight the Death Eaters would come home and find their entire family dead. So many families had become extinct because of him. Wizengamot members were terrified to vote because they knew they were a major target. By 1991, the death toll had risen to more than two thousand witches and wizards and no one was willing to breathe a word for fear that their families and loved ones would end up dead.
That was how Voldemort had nearly conquered Magical Britain - until he was stopped by the young Harry Potter.
Sirius had also demanded that an Order of Merlin, First Class, be given to James and Lily Potter and another one to Harry Potter for his defeat of the basilisk. If Cornelius Fudge can give himself one, if Peter Pettigrew had been awarded one, if Gilderoy Lockhart was given one (both of which had been rescinded, of course), why not give it to people who actually deserve it?
The awards had been handed to Harry within a week.
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