"Ma'am, I have important news," said Auror Trainee Tonks as she entered the office of her boss, gasping for breath.
"What is it, Tonks?" asked Amelia, looking up from her paperwork.
"There was a huge burst of accidental magic in Edinburgh," she explained. "The Accidental Magic Reversal Squad found a young wizard beaten quite badly. He seems to have used magic to escape, but it caused quite a scene."
"Why are you telling me this?" asked Amelia, confused. "This is a matter that will be taken care of by them. Besides, it is to be handled by the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes and Wizarding Children Services. I'm no way involved."
"Normally, I would agree. But I found out the name of the boy who has been taken to St Mungo's. Right now, very few people know the boy's identity, but if the information leaks out, it could mean big trouble. I thought the boy's closest family had to be informed considering his name."
"What's his name?"
Tonks hesitated. "Dylan Lestrange."
Two hours later, Sirius Black and Harry Potter were walking towards the room that housed the boy in St Mungo's Hospital. Both of them were frowning.
"Did Bellatrix and Rodolphus have a child?"
"No," Sirius replied. "I know for a fact that Bellatrix lost her ability to bear children due to a stray curse that destroyed her uterus during a battle in Diagon Alley. The raid she conducted after she found out was pretty horrifying. I'm absolutely sure this boy is not Bellatrix's son. Maybe he is Rabastan's?"
"Or it might be completely random? After all, there are Muggles with the name of Potter, Black, Smith and a few others. It could be a coincidence."
"Maybe… a Gringotts lineage test would give the necessary information. But if he is anything like them…"
"He's just a child, Sirius," said Harry quietly, but he did agree with his godfather's sentiments. Just as they were about to enter, a Healer stepped out of the room and was startled to see Sirius and Harry there.
"Lord Black, Mr Potter," the wizard nodded respectfully at them. "What can I do for you?"
"We're here to see your newest patient," said Sirius. "I have authorization since he might be - ahem - family. How is he doing?"
"Not well, psychologically speaking," said the Healer grimly. "He thought we were going to kill or torture him. I had to stun the lad before we could heal all his wounds. There are clear signs of long-term abuse. Broken bones, malnutrition, you name it. He'll have to be here for the next week, at least, to fix everything."
"Are you sure he said Lestrange?" asked Harry sharply.
"Yes, Mr Potter," the Healer nodded. "If you want to talk to him, I would advise you to be soothing. He doesn't know about the existence of magic."
Nodding, the two of them slipped through the privacy screens. The adorable looking boy had mousy brown hair with slight curls and looked quite small for his age. At the moment, however, he was sleeping peacefully.
"He's definitely a Lestrange," said Sirius quietly, observing the boy's features critically. "I'd recognise that cleft chin anywhere, but he is not Bellatrix's son. He might be the son of Rabastan."
"What about the mother?"
"We won't know that until we talk to him," said Sirius grimly. "Poor kid; I don't even want to imagine what is going to happen when people find out about this. The Lestranges are quite hated by everyone for what happened to Frank and Alice Longbottom, not to mention the countless other deaths they were responsible for."
"Well, there's no point in just standing here," said Harry quietly. He extended his hand towards the boy and there was a flash of red light from his palm. The boy groaned softly as he opened his grey eyes.
"W-Where am I?" he squeaked out.
"Easy," said Harry gently, surprising his godfather. "You're in a hospital, getting your injuries treated. We found you on a street in Edinburgh. May we know your name?"
The boy swallowed as he looked at the boy who was probably a few years older than him, maybe more. Harry began releasing some of his magic in a comforting way which enveloped the other boy, calming him down.
"Dylan," he said nervously. "Dylan Lestrange."
"It's nice to meet you, Dylan," Harry smiled. "I am Harry Potter, and this is my godfather, Sirius Black. How old are you?"
"Eleven," muttered Dylan. "My birthday is on the first of July."
"Well then, happy birthday, Dylan," said Harry, as he shook the boy's hand, making him gape in shock. No one had ever wished him on his birthday before. "Can you tell us the last thing you remember?"
"I - I was walking back to the orphanage," Dylan answered, swallowing hard. "That's when Tony and the rest started to gang up on me. They always call me a freak and they said that - that - I was to be cured of something. They were beating me up and I wished that they would stop… and then I blacked out. When I woke up, someone was asking me questions, holding a stick. I was scared that they were going to hurt me as they did at the orphanage. I panicked, but I can't recall anything after that."
Harry and Sirius looked at each other. "You said you were going to an orphanage," said Sirius slowly. "Do you live there? Do you know who your parents are?"
"No sir, I don't know who my parents are," he said, shivering slightly. "I was born at the orphanage. My mother died soon after from what I was told. She just named me before she died. I don't know anything else. Who are you?"
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