A World of Magic

Dylan laughed with delight as Harry made more things fly across the room, changing colours and conjuring objects.

"This is all so cool! I mean, magic is real !"

"I know how you feel," Harry couldn't help but smile. "When I learnt about the existence of magic, I thought I was dreaming. You'll get your Hogwarts letter in a few weeks."

"Are you really thirteen years old, Harry?" asked Dylan in surprise. "You look older to me."

Harry chuckled. "I turn thirteen in a month, actually," he answered. "I'm still technically twelve."

"No way! You look like you're fifteen or sixteen!"

"Magical children develop faster than Muggles, both physically and mentally. And some of us grow faster while others mature slowly. The malnutrition you suffered at the orphanage seems to have stunted your growth. You'll be surprised how fast you'll grow once the healers are done with you."

Dylan paused, trying to gather his thoughts. "Do you really think I'll get a Hogwarts letter?" he asked hopefully.


"Could you tell me more about it?" he asked shyly.

Just as Harry was about to reply, Sirius and Amelia entered the room. "Hello Dylan," Sirius greeted him with a warm smile. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm great, sir!" he said happily. "Harry was just showing me more magic. It's so cool!"

"That's good to know," said Sirius. "Dylan, this is my wife, Amelia. She is the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement."

"Think of her as the head of a magical version of the U.K.'s Home Office," explained Harry quietly.

Dylan's eyes widened. "Ma'am," he said awkwardly. She was a stern looking woman with short red hair and blue eyes. When he saw her, he knew that she was not to be messed with. She definitely looked the part of an important government employee.

"Hello, Mr Lestrange," Amelia nodded. "We have managed to get some information about your parents. Would you like to know about them?"

"Yes, ma'am," said Dylan excitedly. Harry had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"Your father is Rabastan Lestrange and your mother was one Charlene Cooper," said Amelia candidly. There was no point in trying to soft-pedal the truth, as she had an official duty to inform him of the situation. Taking a deep breath, she continued, "Your mother was a Muggle-born, meaning a witch or wizard born to non-magical parents. She attended Hogwarts but dropped out in her sixth year when her family was attacked."

"Attacked?" repeated Dylan in shock.

The next ten minutes was spent in explaining about the war with Voldemort. "And so, your mother never returned to Hogwarts. She seems to have gone into hiding in the Muggle world and had you in the orphanage."

"My parents were not married?" asked Dylan, his eyes wide, shaking his head in denial.

"Drink this first," said Harry, giving him a phial of calming draught. "Trust me, it'll help."

After the boy had calmed down, Amelia continued. "All the evidence we have gathered point towards the fact that your father might have - ahem - impregnated your mother without consent. The Gringotts lineage test confirms that they were not married and that you are illegitimate."

"What? There has got to be a mistake!"

"I don't think so, Dylan," said Sirius grimly, "because your father would never have involved himself romantically with a Muggle-born. From what we found out from the orphanage, it is clear that she knew who your father was as well. Thank Merlin he doesn't know about you."

"You mean my father is alive ?" asked Dylan, horrified. "Why didn't he come and get me?"

"Guys, can I talk to him alone for a minute?" asked Harry quietly. Sirius and Amelia looked at each other and nodded. After they left, Harry sat down on the bed and took the boy's hand in his, giving it a soft squeeze.

"What I am about to tell you might come as a shock," he said slowly as he formed his words. "Dylan, your father is in prison. He has been for the past eleven years. He is a Death Eater, one of Voldemort's most faithful followers. He, his brother Rodolphus and Rodolphus' wife Bellatrix were sent to prison for life. In fact, you are related to Sirius though Bellatrix, by marriage. They are first cousins, you see."

Dylan's lower lip was trembling. Harry sighed as he pulled the younger boy into a tight hug as he cried into his chest. Harry made soothing sounds, rubbing Dylan's back as he silently let the boy vent. He had no idea why he was consoling the newly discovered Lestrange heir, but it reminded him too much of how he had been when he was at the Dursleys. Dylan was obviously in a state of shock and he needed someone. Harry may be cold, but he wasn't heartless.

"M-My dad is a murderer?" he hiccupped.


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