Annals of time

Year 2502 in another universe

Planet Bharatavarsh the last refuge of Indus. A middle aged man lies covered in his blood all around him there are dead bodies of his people, men women children none is spared. While the earth shake continuously it can be seen that rain of fire coming down from the space all around the planet from ships hovering in the sky. As man looks to the sky he can see this ships not only firing on his people in bid to exterminate them but also on each other. As the man looks at this he thinks back to the fate of his people and says "how did it come to this" .

The ships belong to the caliphate empire and the holy Saxon empire . As the man thinks back he remembers the millions of people that has been exterminated in the name of faith over the centuries.

There was alway war in human history in the name of faith and empire but it become even more grevious when faster than light was invented. His people were always the peace loving type never attacking any one in the name of faith or country but unfortunately such passificism and tolerance became his people downfall. Over the centuries it started with the slamic invasion by Bin Qasim and massacre then Mughals then Dutch then British who enslaved medieval Bharat and after getting independence in 20th century then partition to create slamic autocracy of mughals which resulted in multiple war and terrorism in name of Islam this continued for 2 and half centuries finally in the 23rd century when FTL was created it became even worse many nation started conquering space in name of their country and faith creating new empire which again resulted in all out war as humanity no longer have to fear nuclear fallout due to leaving in single planet as a result the old ways of crusade and jihad and one empire enslaving another also came into full force which resulted in extermination of millions of people over the last 2 centuries. The worse part is earth was destroyed in one such war among many