Planning and Goals

As Viraja thought about the situation he made plans in the passed year how to go about it. In last few years he has shown his ability to grasp things which a normal 7 year old will not be able to comprehend which result in culmination of his father confidence in him as a genius.Though all things said his father has done a great job handling and maintaining the kingdom sovereignty while sandwiched between large predatory empires is quite commendable. Then there is communal tension always brewing within the borders of the kingdom which is being fanned by slamic clerics to instigate the slamic followers against the Indus in a bid to convert the kingdom into a slamic nation so his father has to contend with continues rebellion arising out of this tensions. Then the traitors in the form of the separatist nobles who are continuously conspiring to separate from the kingdom into independent states.

So his first order of business will be to secure the borders and the internal situation. He is currently with his father in his office helping him with the separatist nobles situation. As he lays out a plan to his father regarding how to handle the situation and complete abolishment of the concept of nobles and consolidate all powers in the hand of the monarch his father is listening to him with rapt attention. The plan will take at least 2 years to implement and in the meanwhile for the handle of the slamic menace he outlines the concept of divide and rule. Once the nobles are completely neutralized and the kingdom borders are secured and the army is turned into a disciplined and strong organization and upgrade weaapons which can stand in equal footing against the Mughals and the sultanates he will concentrate on completely purging the slamic menace. As for the Vijayanagar kingdom for now his father strategy is best that is acting as subservient to them by sending gifts and tributes until time comes for open enmity.

As for his ultimate goal it is to build a Indu empire which will encompass the whole of Bharat which will last for 1000 years there by giving his people a safe haven from all the future wars and destruction that he know will come either way. But to build such an empire and more importantly for it to survive for such a long time it will require lot of work. The question remains whether he can achieve it in his lifetime or not.